Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

35K for one star… thats… a lot, for someone who studies and works…

@Smin1080p thanks buddy

I’m guessing gaijin might consider another 4th gen IR Air-to-Air Missile from EU, JASDF, ROCAF and PLAAF/PLANAF, another all-aspect IR Air-to-Air Missile without IRCCM, GPS guidance Air-to-Ground munitions, early attack aircraft rank 8 from USN or USMC, Royal Navy or US Navy new battleship toptier rank 6 and early 4th gen fighter aircraft or early multirole fighter from PLAAF/PLANAF

I’m sorry @Smin1080p , but I’m passing on this event, I prefer to wait for more interesting things for the next update in December such as some improvements in Israel, especially a desente anti-aircraft

is it the longest tank in the game?(or will be?)

It’s a standard that’s been here for a while now, not so surprising.


Wondering if Tog II is going to get the 94mm main gun or not

If that is a problem they would have disabled the ability to use modern russian vehicles already.

tortoise Race league soon

I don’t see the need to post this. I mean what does it change? The update won’t be here sooner, devblogs won’t start ealier and there won’t suddenly be an israeli SPAA in the update because of this.

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absolutely right… what does it matter… I hope to see the Israeli F15, or finally the Spike in Saraf, or the Spyder, and even dream of the Merkava MK4 Barak

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Tog tog tog! Yay.

Tog Tog Tog Tog

That’s fine. Nobody is forced to participate. But a lot of people are waiting for TOG :)


Well, it’s my opinion, and I suppose I’m free to express it, thinking about the next update

I hope the TOG II* model doesn’t have the unarmoured doors the tank museum put on it

I was literally talking to my friend this morning about how cool it would be to have the TOG in game!

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Well, I’m not saying it’s not great for those who waited for it… I’m still waiting for other things…

Cant wait to see Gripen,Eurofighter,F-15,Su27 in game


The first 2 seems heavy hopium, likely not going to happen.

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