Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

For the Gripen deniers

" Q: There are no top tier jets for Sweden and Great Britain coming in this update to better counter the new MiG-29SMT. Do you plan to add new top tier aircraft for these nations?
A: We have plans to add new top tier jets to both Sweden and Great Britain this year. Stay tuned to the news."

" Q: Do you plan to include Hungarian aviation in the future for the Italian tree as was also done with Finland for the Swedish tech tree? It could offer some interesting opportunities such as the Me 210C, L-39, MiG-29 and Gripen, as well as Mi-24 and Mi-8.
A: Yes, we do. With this major update, 3 Hungarian helicopters — the Mi-24D, Mi-24V and premium Mi-24P have been added."

How is this not clear enough that the Gripen is coming this update ?

Please get off your emotional high horse.


But since the Gripen was in the Hungarian air sub tree question and they are going to add it.
I wonder if it will be this update ? As they do like to add new air tress in the December one.

I think it’s quite cool you just need to be stealthy.

this too


That too but most people use this as because he is a TM it’s an easy escape goat for denying Gripen because he is trolling.

People ether have really short terms memories or they are willing to bend stuff so they can have some copium

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Only for the UK and Sweden? What about other nations, such as China, Germany and Italy? They do not talk about it?

Germany can get the F/A-18 through there own means not by the Swiss.

Italy can get the Hungarian mig 29 and the Gripen

Both the F-16A-15ADF and AV-8B+ can carry AMRAAMs so if needed they could receive them.


Do you guys think tier 8 tanks are coming next patch? Perhaps if so they will introduce new higher BR tier 7 premiums?

Oh 100% I think it’s coming

Ohh exciting, wondering what’s (not) coming for Britain)

Maybe an Indian half line to finish off the export line ?

I really don’t like the recent changes to the BRs. It’s really messed up between 5.3 and 6.7. A Panther or Tiger should not really fight against a Tortoise, T-44 or a T26E-1, it’s ruined it for me and many others I’d say. I had to move to revert to a Tiger H1 and Panther D, which isn’t as fun… :-(

M8 it’s the “Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion” thread

I mean I’m not expecting the UK to get a tier 8 tank though I’d like it. I bought the Khalid and together with the Sho’t Kal Dalet I had bought like 2 years ago I’m having a lot of fun so I’m planning on going to top tier and get the Challenger 2s.


No-one will get a rank 8 vehicle, except for America and Russia (maybe Germany).
Then we have to wait a few months for Britain, Sweden and Israel to get an rank 8 vehicle.
Then after a year (maybe 2), China, Japan, France and Italy will get one.
It has (almost) always be like this.

seeing how germany got promised a better leopard 2 and it is the only reason we believe rank 8 might be coming it would be weird if germany didnt get one

They have “promised” so many things…
We have to wait what the future holds.

if thats not coming rank 8 is not coming pretty much, it is only hint we got for rank 8, nothing else hints at it coming next patch

They literally stated another Leopard 2 is coming for Germany this year.
They stated this before the Kings of Battle patch was announced, so it will arrive in December.