Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

When people find out submarines were slow irl.

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well incase you didn’t know we are playing a game, which have objective that needed to be completed. one side barely able even reach the objective, while other side can find, catch, and kill you effortlessly. then yeah, screw IRL.

I have no problem if they introduce an arcade version where they give increased handling. Like what ground arcade is to ground realistic.

Subs in rb should remain immobile. People should have known what they got into. Help them in other ways like changing the spawns or convoy routes.

I heard wows is a game that has mobile subs.

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No worries mate, no need to apologise.

That’s fair enough.

I do think the country of origin should be the first nation to receive a vehicle. If other nations get it simultaneously then that’s also fair enough.


Yeah except for vehicle variants (like F-5A) which were never operated by country of origin.

Aye i’d say those are the most fair exceptions to the rule.

So you want the new Sweden/UK top tier jet to be dead on arrival. What a shocker.

He just said what’s most likely. Don’t freak out

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Bit unfair to claim the Harrier II isn’t a joint venture. It should have went to US or UK first, and it did. Yes the II was a US-led redesign of the British Harrier, but much of the design was inherited, and it’s still rolls royce produced engines powering them.

jesus we already discussed this, just write him a dm dont spam the damn thread with this

Oh thanks for reminding me

Smin where is my RAM II for the British ? !

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Yeah my bad. I should have specified AV-8B.

Simultaneous additions are the best additions imo. It also makes for less FOMO imbalance as more trees get a vehicle of similar capabilities.

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Are you seriously going to spam this in this topic now?

no what? you dont want to write Smin to actualy get an answer and then just share that with us and just continue trying to pointlessly ping somoene for a stupid question? You could start a whole actual new topc as well if you

but you are just lazy it seems

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Yep so long as one is not significantly better than another.

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eh reported him already

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I’m waiting for an excellent hightier Leopard 2 for Germany, if not I’m really pissed off and I’m certainly not the only one!

By the way, the event with the submarines is just SUPER cool great job realy realy realy cool now all the possibilities make sense, I’m thrilled!

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well promised for next patch

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