Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Nothing more than they were ordered to replace some su22m4 in the ground attack role but the wall fell and they were never delivered. Was some of the earliest export su25s, so i assume su25k.

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This Tuesday is the guess for the start of dev blog’s.

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Sweet. Cheers man, I tried looking at that Spread Sheet but it’s an absolute trainwreck lmao

So pretty much what happened to any GDR vehicle after 1988.

yup, pretty much. lol.

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I’d say Wednesday since its seeming like we wont be seeing as much this update.

I have found a source



Though this isn’t really place to discuss this
Where would be the best place to discuss this?
Separate topic in Machinery of War Discussion ?


Is this about Avro Arrow?

No, Hawker Siddeley P.1154

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Big Harrier

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Surprised noone’s suggested Saunders-Roe SR.53 yet.
It’s essentially a domestic RAF F-104 Starfighter with Firestreaks. Mach 2.2 capable, Jet engine + rocket power combo.


Funny thing about that thing is the main engine is the rocket…


apparently it could only carry 2 red tops or was only planned for 2 redtops so it would be an okay 9.3 to 9.7


Better pic

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God what an awful place for missiles…

keeps the british tradition of having just the weirdest shaped aircraft lmao

I know im a little late but yes, it had its engine filly tested and fitted to a harrier for flight testing, and both versions JS and RN were in some form of completion before they were canned due to a lack of funding following frances pullout from NBMR.3 (the thing that basically fully funded P.1154)

Last I checked Smin said there was a lot to look forward to in this upcoming update.


Then after that they made the harrier…

I’d say this coming update has the potential to seriously shift the meta of the game and/or make nations like Britian actually viable and competitive