Whats the difference
Its got the ajax gun… so about on par or above the pen of a cv9040c along with like 70+ready rack
That better then the original?
Plus it gets airburst rounds
Ooh, that would certainly counter early game heli rushes
So what im hearing is that this would make usa mains mad
It’s such a shame though Australia didnt go with the KF-41, that would have been hilarious to have gotten that for Britain instead of it going to Germany
But the bradley isnt really needed when we got those ofvs i mentioned before… plus the ajax…
Desert Warrior my beloved
I haven’t really kept up to date is this leak more trustworthy then the others?
Agreed better Bradley comes after all the true domestic stuff
Would be a good premium though
Ok. I have a theory. So what we saw on the leak lists (let’s suppose if they’re real) is that all the top tier tanks (excluding the T-90m) have some kind thermal camouflage (for the premiums) so what we may see is thermal camouflage on top tier tanks to reduce having the chance of being spotted from thermals. Again. JUST A THEORY
A game theory
well well
dev already confirmed no Interferention between own radar and own RWR.
I wish the Warrior would get its 3 round burst at least
There is a big long discussion for this in another thread. The Fire rate for the warrior is probably not right, should be higher than it is currently I think. (I wasnt following that thread all that closely)
The chinese is reliable as he did one about 2 updates ago and got most of the stuff right.
So no j11 along with su27