Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

and those ‘criminal’ is what Gaijin always does isn’t it XD


that was the 45% accurate one from last time

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so we can be sure 2/5 will be real and I assume that’s F-15 and Su-27


I mean it’s till accurate as it still added stuff from that list into this update mainly just the M109.
But still he seems to be reliable

I think F-15 and Su27 would be like A-6E SWIP on his previous leak(and also Olivia’s leak) that only developed but not put in the game.

Then main focus of this update would be addition of American&British Rank VII premium and addition of Rank VIII(with only some Rank VII vehicles move to Rank VIII) T-90M would be only real ‘new’ Rank VIII ground vehicle.

They’ve already done this on naval with addition of Rank VI with only USS Texas added, and giving us two preorder of Arkansas and Marat.

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Yea I view his leak list as a leak on what they are working on for the year rather than a update list

or focus on more Air with F-15 Su-27 and the A6 from the last list

that’s probably more accurate

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If so Smin would say this update is big as Apex predator. He did not, saying that this update would be smaller than Apex predator. He’s mainly focus on air we know.

high hopes for the Gnat : D

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That A-6 is gonna be like the Mosquitos that keep popping up in the leaks. It will remain leak fodder

in that case this leaker doesn’t have contacts to the Update planning team like Olivia has but Rather to the vehicle development or Research team

so he sees what they are working on right now and not what they are choosing to add

some of the additions we are getting have likely been developed a long time ago but just were not added yet


OES would honestly be horrid… as thats probs all that we’d get for a high tier vehicle…

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Yea at list this time we can see that it’s real,

A. From the same person
B. From the same website
C. From a different page of the said website

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on the A6 I assume they wanted to add it with the premium one but Research and or Development were delayed and thus it keeps popping up

Pretty sure smin said they had no plans to add a non-premium A-6

Where did they say that?

That would be extremly idiotic move because we really really need something in between current maps and EC for NF to actually work. Bigger and bigger ships on these maps clearly aren´t working and the whole BR system is screwed thanks to that.

or not, if they have already made most of the vehicles for this update throughout the year and he only sees what is currently in development

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