Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Things is, i would agree that older nation have a better start.

But the realy sad things is when years later, other nations are added, these older nations keep getting update after update LOT of contents, while some minor (at least those who CAN totally compet in the number of addition) are still putting way behind.

thats the thing i proved that wasnt the case for UK, i would put UK, France and China as equal to arms production to the germany , us and ussr, and they do have the most filled trees, sure some problems still but they are the most well rounded, just dont ask me how italy plays into that , that one is bizaare to me. in the mean time israel even only was able to start at a higher rank and japan is a small isle who didnt develop much either, they just didnt have as much opportunity for stuff being added.

I just cant stand if someone comes up and is spouting lies, if he wants to pick a case to defend he should have picked israel or japan, which have the biggest issues.
But no his problem was SA doesnt count as Uk additions mimimimi. Sorry but at that point i only hear whining from his side and dont care realy when he continues speaking stupid stuff

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Attack and strike aircraft don’t need to be very agile. The ASSTA, IDS and GR. 1 do their jobs perfectly fine

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This has to be a meme right? I can see considering some of them equals, but considering half of them equal to the US in terms of arms production?

in terms of war thunder possibilities

Once again on the old forum there was more French suggestion for ground vehicle than any other country in the game even the big 3.

You have no idea the number of potential stuff that could come for France, from low br to top tier, but we almost got never that, or someties they really give us the worst, like if they want people to not be interested in this TT… (like the choices of jet premium, Milan and Mirage F1C200, so much lazy choice when we could have better planes more meta/enjoyable)

And when you have an idea of all the stuff possible to come and see that for years we got nothing or one addition, or things like BOX amx10M atgm launcher, yeah, they really don’t like making nice choices…

You would still have to seperate in the difference branches, because calling, for example, Germany and the US equal in the military aviation production is still a joke.

Now for ground I can see your point.

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Next year item.
I doubt we’d have an update add 3 major things at once.

yeah ground, that is what the main part of this whole discussion was about.
For air i would only put US, USSR and coming China as equals

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German players are asked how you live without 11.7-12.3 stormtroopers:

Bro how did you escape containment? It was nice and calm without all the Germany suffers memes.

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Just writing about the facts

And France after China.

We still could have a lot of earlier jets (i want that Griffon!) and later Mirages IIIs, F1s, 2000s, some Mirage 4000, then 3 lines of Rafales.

And if you really want to go full possibility : F16 from Belgium, Mig-29 and more from Algeria, F-18 from Swiss (controversal but i put it here for the big “IF” case)

Could be really crazy x)

Griffon (BIG ENGINE (ramjet)):




Ok can you please stop derailing this topic now with your German issues

Most of what I see is either just memes or off topic wishlist spamming.

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Exactly X(((((((((((((((((
The Tornado is simply the worst plane I’ve ever flown in
The flying experience is worse than that of the F-104, which at least has good cornering performance and stability at high speeds
But a tornado is like a lump of S-H-I-T…
At the same time, the thermal imaging resolution of its pods is so poor that I couldn’t tell the difference between targets from a distance of several kilometers
Germany desperately needs a new and reliable CAS force, and Tornado Asshole 1.0 is completely unacceptable
Italy has the Harrier II, the UK has the Harrier GR7, and the Tornado has PGM2000
Germany, on the other hand, can only be observed at poor resolution, using LGB


You can’t really call them memes lmao

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@Smin1080p hello ,the issue latest report that JH-7A will get 4x KH29T in next update, it seems very likely will increase the br, if that go too higer like 12.0 or 12.3, gaijin will thinking a bout better AAMs like PL-5E things for JH-7A?

actualy if you mean the targeting pod, the bug was reported, the tornado is getting gen 3 thermals on their pod apparently