Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

IIrc Smin said it’s not soon yet though I could be wrong

thats what am saying the F-16Ds Block 30 and 40 doesnt have the wiring for the AMRAAMs, because lockheed didnt want it to upgrade them for that, lockheed goes straight to a Ground pounder F-16 with only the capability of carry just infrared homing missiles to self defense. if we follow the reality the F-16D Block 40 Barak II that we have in game should not have the Aim-7M too, but is there for balance purposes only until the Python-4, and until israel recives a REAL! REAL!!! not fictional BVR platform. gaijin really screwed the things here because i perfectly knows that they chose the incorrect variant to add to israel, gaijin should have gone straight for the SUFA that is completly proved that the SUFA could Carry Sparrows, Amraams and derbys, could have introduced the SUFA and as time goes by updating it according to needs.


yes thats a F-16C Barak I Block 40 mate

Bruh that was,

A. A month ago
B. I’ve deleted it since then

All you are trying to do is to get me into a flame war and get me banned
So you bringing up old news and deleted comments just proves that you are too a hypocrite.
By like I’ve said bringing up old comments and trying to get a person into a flame war.

So with that stop trying to be the little angle that you are


Barak I is for F-16C Block 30 and 40 for israel, F-16D Block 30 and 40 is Barak II

he did indeed say that yes

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Offtopic discussion is infinitely better than incessant whining that people aren’t discussing the things you want, in my opinion.


I guess Mirage IIIEX maybe 2nd premium pack pre-order because fitted engine, avionics, radar and armed Air-to-Air & Air-to-Ground armament like Mirage F1 but Mirage IIIE airframe, but not sure BR lower Mirage F1C-200 ?

You guess in the future gajin might consider new premium pack pre-order aircraft in rank VI better Dassault Milan ?

And no discussion is better than both.

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with the exception that the F-16C Block 30 and 40 is proved that can use the AMRAAMS!!! in this situation, IAF never used AMRAAMS in the C variant but this doesnt mean that the aircraft is not capable of that, we have manuals that claims that.

I would imagine it’d would be 11.0. It would certainly be in a better place then the Mirage F1 s because they keep getting up-tiered against F-16s, F-14s, and MiG-29s.
The other option is the Mirage G which would be a slight uplift in capability while potentially being able to stay at 11.3.

Mirage IIIS could be the Milans replacement.

Question is the name of this thread?

“Rumor Round-Up and Discussion”

I guess the Discussion is not a real part of the name.


Why are you on the forum if not for discussion?


Honestly, the forums would be dead if we didn’t derail every now and then.


But it has to be the right amount of topic is allowed imho

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Discussion is only really part of this thread if it relates to the first part of the name, which is “rumor”.

Pretty sure stuff like the F-15, F/A-18, Su-27, BVRAAMs, etc have earned the “Rumor” status by now


But the one thing I hated that he moaned abut that one comment that I’ve deleted.
But then moan for the next 5 but yet I’m the hypocrite. That’s what I hate.

Excuse me, I just wonder Israel upgraded F-16C/D Barak to the ‘Barak 2020’ upgrade package armed medium-range BVRAAM, equipped Air-to-Ground munitions and integrated Litening III targeting pod ?

Sure, but I see way more posts from people whining about ‘off-topic’ discussion than I actually see of off-topic discussion.

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