Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yea ok I’m sorry about that : D

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There is cope i mean hope

and? a PL equivalent in the best escenario, just a single vehicle, so you would have a top tier either… again nowhere even close to what isreal offers.

100 merkavas?

nah all good there is a lot worse

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So wowzers I guess this means that the SAAF Gripen could be back on the cards then : D


There certainly is no reason not to add MICA on Mirage 2000-5 once Fox-3 missiles are being added.

pereh, nammer, spyder… still better than a single modernized leo 2a4, not to mention that you need 3 nations to get a single top tier tank…

You never know most likely a harrier though

Well I mean why would they choose a model over a reskin ?

IIcr one of the Harriers token over several months to be complete.

Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong

And Brazil is adding Spikes to modernized Cascavals.

I will not have Cascaval slander on my forum.


Brazil ground forces would be wild, I bet you’ll hardly recognize the vehicles these were based on!

Brazil stuart


God I’m really hoping for something better than a tornado or harrier


The Netherlands would fit quite decently in the German tech tree.
Just like Belgium or Switzerland would in the French one.
Problem is that there would be logical issues with at least some vehicle of each nation.
Just look at Greece.

There is no good solution for the addition of some wanted nations as sub trees.

By default a EU tree would put France and Germany into the same tech tree…

that wouldn’t make it top tier either

At that point just switch national trees out with arms dealers Armoured Warfare style.

They always say plans aren’t final and this is why they don’t do roadmaps or promise anything.
Bear in mind the gripen “leak” was from a tech mod, not a CM or developer. If the Gripen doesn’t come next patch everyone here will have an uproar saying it was promised etc. Until it’s a devblog on the front page, it’s not coming.

It’s trying it’s best, ok? :,-(

Also there was a proposal to put the russian 125mm gun on an Osorio but i dont know if it webt anywhere.

The Bri’ish would claim quite a few vehicles then.