Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Cant have Britain be competitive m8


I just wanted to say with that, that Uk could have easily filled that line itself with their own equipment and wouldnt have needed the SA vehicles for that, i am not necesarily speaking about quality here either

@Deathmisser dont twist my words, i never said that the SA line should be removed, i said that in its place and UK light line could have been, that it wouldnt have necesarily needed to be an SA line.

I am just saying that the UK has just as many vehicles as germany as options and germany has the same reasoning and chances as Uk to get an sub tree

I just don’t get why SAAF aircraft have to be added to the event and premium line.
There are already quiet a few commonwealth stuff in the main TT.

Whats stopping us have both…

I’ve said IIcr that mean if I remember correctly not you said it

thats awful memory that completly twisted my words, if you remember that badly i would just not have written it

I mean it doesn’t have to be… thing change over time and the Gripen could be the new high tier… thought i doubt we’d be that lucky…

copium for a dovbleg this week

Well, considering there still aren’t any SAAF planes and only a helicopter so far, it is still possible that gaijin could change their minds about that

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Well I wasn’t paying attention at that point as it was like the 3rd time

Next week is much more likely

God I hope so

I hope we don’t get stuck with a tornado again…

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And gaijin can say all they want its really nlt on par with the other high tier fighters…

I might do a poll to see if people want that SAAF rule revoked

Well, there are two juicy, british built alternatives:

  • Hawk 200
  • Sea Harrier FA.2 (provided BVRAAMs are introduced in december)

Smin already indirectly warned that you will.

“Some nations used the same jet for a long time”
Or whatever his usual line is when a nation is getting skipped over xD

Yeh but we legot have a sub nation for that exact reasonings

That is just a lazy reason as I already pointed out there a already a few commonwealth nation in the main tree. It would’t hurt if we add a top of the line fighter from SA

never changed my opionion from the other 2 times, could have taken a closer look /remember from the other 2 times