Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Each leclercs is almost a copy past, SXXI should have all inside armor reinforced with titanium but it’s not the case.

AZUR is a S2 (so it lose thermal commander vs the SXXI) and it should not be ERA but NERA.

Also Germany (and almost everybody else) got way more powerfull shell, France still stick to the same shells than the release day of the first Leclercs. We’re so late in apfsds ingame that the next step of French apfsds is already obsolete for the IRL service of the SXXI, giving you an idea xD

So once again, dunno why suddently Germany “need” something better.

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France is definitely in need of something better, however that does not mean that Germany is not lacking either. Both are being bent over.


Agree, but the difference is that Germany has been spoiled for years before that. And just when it’s “starting” to be treated the way some other nations have been for years, all of a sudden there’s lots of nice promises being made.

Anyway, cool for them to have some view on their future, wish they do this more often fore more nations, more leo, Gripen confirmed, something for UK etc…

They don’t deserve a 122B counterpart any more or less than other nations.

And the PSO is a sidegrade, not a downgrade.

Ah yes the mighty KF41 lol


Even those who work with news are concerned about this topic)

Anyone has a screenshot of Mi-8AMTSh?



So we have the variant without the nose cone over cockpit, so maybe that one will come in future as T7 variant

They never said that they would get them in the next update, just in 2023, there is another update left

I just hope they actually make the heli grind good, and no the stop gap of using tanks to grind is not good enough the RP costs are a joke compared to the rate you earn research with em

Surely you’re aware that things from forums beings passed to dev doesn’t confirm nor deny anything?

Did they changed the penetration values for most APFSDS? Most got a small nerf (5mm less of penetration).

neat. True combined battles.

nah the ships are a objective in arcade matches from long ago with those tanks, if only


True, but South Africa do and they’re a sub tree for Britain

We have SA ground and Heli’s, the most low effort addition would be the already confirmed Gripen, and Gaijin love low effort especially when that can be attributed to the British TT

I would like to refer you to the passed to devs from the old forums and see the myriad of vehicles, game systems, maps and even trees that have been rotting there for years on end.

With the amount of Dutch things that have been passed you’d think that the Netherlands would’ve been a nation by now if we were to take your word.


that just a better Mi-8?