Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

no, but i can search

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photos of the P-51 Mustang IA

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No not that one there was a Israeli feild mod one

ohhh i think that you were talking about the american one, no i dont have any info.

We need the I-153 with rocket boosters while we’re at it.

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Yes please, gimme!

Supposed MiG-25 Foxbat “leak”


There is a user mission for this though so take it with a grain of salt.


The MiG-25 looks so much like the Yak-141 I mistook it for it for a second. I doubt it’ll be coming, but if they did want to add some really long range SARH and IR missiles, they could add this with R-40s.

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Zero chance MiG-25 is what the USSR gets this patch, if ever.

You cannot know that.


High speed, no turning, crap missiles. If it does, it won’t be top tier.

I never said it would be top tier, and neither did the other guy.

I know that. You think Gaijin would drop the MiG-25 in for fun? They take forever to release new models, and there’s no way USSR is getting MiG-25 while other nations get new Gen 4’s/ARH missiles.

Russia already has 2 vehicles that can use R-77s but okay.

So USSR gets Su-25T/39 and MiG-29SMT for R-77’s and a MiG-25 with no ARH and a bunch of crap missiles instead? Cool as it may look, it’s pointless man. Not a tech tree vehicle. Event/squadron vehicle? Sure, fine.

I forgot about the Su-39, so that makes three, and why are you so aggressively against a very popular and anticipated aircraft being added? Just don’t play it; it’s that simple. And, once again, you cannot know that.


It’s not going to be a good addition to the tree, as cool as it is, and will be a waste of developer time. I’d rather get many other vehicles first. I’m not aggressively against it, I’m just telling you there’s no way it’s happening. It’s not realistically happening any time soon.

What is a waste is subjective and relative, your opinion alone doesn’t matter to the developers, and, for the third time, you cannot know that.


Sure. You cannot know it’s coming either.