Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

that doesnt realy make sense when we literaly say belgium would go to france all the time, germany would only be the inclusion of the netherlands , thats by far doesnt make it a EU nation
Rather Sweden and Italy are way more of a EU nation then germany

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That was no speculation or fantasy, that’s called an opinion.

Which goes for both sides, which includes you. Better to end it here or move to off topic, both parties.

We have let this go completely out of control.


Again look what just happened we just well you mainly had an hour argument saying that the Dutch should merge with Germany knowing that,

A. We can’t have more than 5 lines
B. They got enough to be independent
C. it will literally be adding British stuff to an already mixed nation.



ngl I hope when we do get the tornado Gr4 like the F3 it comes with a bunch of the cool paint schemes it had


I.e block them then

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  1. This may change
  2. India does too, but the problem is where is it?
  3. Hm, this is already happening here, haven’t you noticed?
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can be solved in the future with more pages, or adding the vehicles spread trough the tree

so those britain , but here we are with them having the whole commonwealth as a sub tree apparantly

british players ask for leopard 2 SG, sweden has a lot german vehicles, so those italy. I see no problem with germany getting some UK vehicles

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Gaijin literally stated that there are no plans to integrate India on a wide scale within the British tree and Australia/Canada aren’t sub-trees, thus aren’t formally part of the tree.

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doesnt change the fact that Uk has a south african sub tree which it doesnt need in any way or form


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arguably, it does fill holes in the german tech tree. besides i am just showing with this that a nation with a lot vehicles and options still can get a sub tree. This doesnt need to be UK unique

Just saying, The Luftwaffe did operate for example the Fokker D.XXI and Fokker G.1 after the Dutch capitulation. Mainly as trainers if I remember correctly. There may be more types of planes, but I’m not sure.

I’m not using this to say that the Dutch must be added to Germany, just to add some information. I’ll be happy if some of our planes get added at all.

Agreed, giving the UK a sub-tree is one of the greater sins that Gaijin did to any tree, but it does not mean that it is an excuse for other very independently capable nation to get one too.

A few single vehicle additions, fine, but no sub-tree is required for USA, Germany, USSR and France. Arguably China too, but we all know they won’t ever reach a healthy point at any low tier unfortunately


mate I wish the whole of the commonwealth was apart of the british tree, but that is just straight up wrong lol, and what gaps does germany have that the dutch would fill exactly?

UK could entirely be self-sufficient is the point.
Adding the ZA sub-tree robbed us of the light vehicles line.


for arguably better light vics

As a person who has t72b3m, t90a (fully loaded), t-80bvm fully loaded, i can say with full confidence that out of the three tanks, my favourite, and the one i saw the most success with is the t-80bvm, especially with the mango round. Fast reverse, good thermals, good mango round, good overall protection. Gives you a lot more confidence. Only good thing i like about the t-90A is…well i’ll say its the same as the t-72b3m as not much difference in terms of battles other than the t-90 having the infra blockers.

T-80BVM imo definitely superior, but if they do add in the T-90M, they should first add in the T-90MS and then the T-90M, as the T-90M got a lot of the improvements from test trials with the T-90MS.

It would be nice to see the T-72B3M get the 2022/2023 upgrade, same with the T-80BVM.

I guess once the T-90M comes out, only thing that can keep pushing the T-80BVM would be the T-95 series prototypes.

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im late to the party lmao

It is a waste of one of the interesting and important aspects of British ground developments as well as a waste ZA tree that could work well indepdnently.

Lose-lose whatever way you look at it