Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

The Dutch and German armed forces are NOT getting merged and this is a common misconception that people use to make an excuse for the Dutch addition to the German tree.

The high command of the nations are simply seeking a greater form of collaboration as well as strengthening the collaboration between their units.

The Dutch still have agency over whether their units are deployed together with the Germans, they still have agency over their equipment acquisition and the Dutch get to decide what their own army does.
By all metrics, the Dutch army is still an independent entity and NOT becoming an extension of a foreign military.


Forget it dude, they have wind in their heads if they deny the German language in the border areas of their own country. And at the same time don’t know the history

so a Military collaboration on all areas, to an Extent where outsiders could see them as one is not enough justification to add one to the other’s TT?

na they don’t, I lived on the border region and you really can’t call that one language

If we are using linguistics to determine where a tree goes then feel free to shove German designed vehicles from the east of the country into the Polish or USSR tree.

and the northern ones go to sweden

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A ton of Hungarian guns and shells were of German origin during ww2, Hungary also used straight up German vehicles (Tiger, Panther, 109 etc), and uses German equipment to this day
What’s your justification for adding Hungary to the soviet tree? That they used soviet equipment during the Warsaw pact era? Lmao even, the exact same soviet equipment is already present in the German tech tree because of the DDR…

this is the in the british tree needed now we can just get any US tank or plane we want


you can now integrate the entire US tree into the british one


It’s only really the army. Air force leans far more towards the US.

If outsiders see them as one then they have not informed themselves properly on the situation.

An extended for of collaboration does not mean that the entities do not function separately too.
The Germans don’t have any agency over Dutch matters such as unit deployment and ex- and imports.
It’s like calling the US and Japanese armed forces a single entity because of their degree of collaboration.

I can, do you know why? Because many people from nearby countries live there. This is the same as the Western part of Switzerland speaking French, when the history of the country is German speaking. But it is worth taking into account the official consolidation of the language at the legislative level

The reasons that countries near to Germany may have German speaking populations is because Germany is a major economical and regional power, thus making the German language a good one to learn for the people of surrounding countries.
This is no excuse for adding certain nations to another.
Why not add India and Pakistan in a tree together? They both share quite a few languages…

Germany should get Dutch air and ground vehicles in their regular tech tree, not as a sub tree.


Seeing as we are between Britain, Germany and France we tend to offer and somewhat speak these languages.

Hell we are taught all 3 of those languages at high school.

Honestly user Fleks is almost never to be taken seriously.
It’s a person who pulls whatever he can out of his ass to justify other nation’s additions to the German tree.


that’s honestly the worst take i’ve seen on this

it is one of the possible solutions, same can happen for belgium vehicles in the french tree

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Please be respectful : )

The Benelux is better off being a nation on it’s own rather than Germany literally being a in game EU nation


I don’t recall my reasonings for adding certain things in certain places being historical events that go waaaay further back than the relevant timeframe for the game 🤷‍♂️