Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

XM291, Abrams with 140mm


The D isn’t explicitly a training version. It’s a twin seater C that’s also used for training it also performs other roles

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Just so you understand how easy it is to fake statcards, it took me exactly 7 minutes to do this one:


I used the Rank and BR from F-16A, the APU from Leopard 2 PL, the front hull armor from Strv 122A, I made up the “7V” with the “V” from the Rank and the “7” from the original “11.7”, and I made up L/55’s “A1” with the “A1” from MG3A1.

And just like this, pretty much anything is possible.


As far as I am aware D is the trainer.twin seater means less fuel tanks and internal gun is removed

J-11 ( Su-27S) come?

pretty well made even

but it’s noticeable if you pay attention to detail

The comment is referring to the ETPS Gripen D, which is completely unarmed and only leased by a partly government owned institution for research and test pilot training purposes.
While I’ve read that some nations might have armed their Gripen Ds with guns (even though I can’t find anything online to confirm that) neither the SAAF Gripen Ds nor the single ETPS Gripen D are modified to carry a gun.

stealing it ik a friend who dosent want this to get ingame im about to give him a heart attack

I know I’m late but F-15 has no place after F-16AJ which is a light fighter just like T-2 and F-1. It will definitely come after F-4EJ Kai.

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I think it was Thailand but I could be wrong

Yeah, that’s what I’ve read too, but I can’t find anything about them carrying a gun outside of the WT forums

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Its capable of doing same things as C tho. And advertised as such.

Yeah, except I can’t find any source claiming that the D is capable of carrying a gun

Well that shouldn’t be an issue now since we have stock missiles and I just remembered the premium F-104

While that isn’t the point of the discussion, it is true.

What about the F-104S TAF tho? The tech tree 104S can also carry a gunpod

maybe, would be nice to have a gun though, if we are getting a Commonwealth C&P, would like to play something other than a missile truck at top tier

There are load out that blocks the gun so the gun is removed

I don’t think that is even remotely similar to the Gripen Ds situation, but aight

What I’m trying to say is that aircraft with no guns still has a place in war thunder.

I also just remembered the Sea vixen as that got no gun to speak of