Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Possible though I like some of the maps to be updated first as they are the same as a few years ago. It’s mainly the railways that annoys me

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Just because you think so. I don’t want to go into an hour of offtopic discussion now. I understand that not everybody wants submarines or whatever vehicle, feature etc in game. Which is completely fine but there are so many people who want submarines and they would make naval combat much more diverse just like aircraft carriers. Not to mention the fun it would bring and money for further developments because they can sell premium subs and carriers.

Sorry hahahahahaha

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It’s one of those meme machine I really want.

You can hide that with just a few bushes and it’s got the fire power to be so meme too

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And those are some of the best vehicles we have in game. The meme vehicles are incredibly fun.

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Yea some times I just take the L3 out and be an a*s to the enemy team at high tier because it’s so funny.

This will be the same although more useful.

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You have to remember that 300km search range is against a specific radar cross section.
I doubt we’ll ever see 512x512 tho, that’s outside combat radius of all combat aircraft.

Adds gliders to the game

I think currently 128 x 128 km & 131 x 131 km it’s not enough for aircraft BR 11.3-12.3 and higher 12.3 BR

I might expect gaijin add new Air EC map for Air RB and Air SB at least 164 x 164 km or 180 x 180 km this year

Could be a new power like update. Loads of new vehicles and another engine update.

I think there will be quite a lot of vehicles. This is the christmas update afterall, it’s not a coincidence that the christmas updates have usually brought a lot of premiums and thus have included a lot of new nations and/or new ranks in the past.

New power for me was the death of classic war thunder tbh.

Waiting for a chinese IFV line


Damn, I feel that.

Well it was a noticeable shift from additions that made sense to we need money makers every other update

@Smin1080p Any chance you can give us a shady confirmation without confirming if we’re going to start seeing the big boy BBs in naval soon? Also, any idea of bigger naval maps for top tier naval being in discussion on the dev side of things? I’m a bit worried once we start getting to Bismarck and 16" guns that the whole “Spawn and shoot at each other right away” gameplay might case some problems for the dwindling numbers we already have in naval


probably only 10-14 days until the first blog

Smin never leaks anything good, just wait for the first lame boat blog :D

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Kind of wish we got teases in between i remember the Type 90 tease that was fun

I want another Chinese riddle leak :D

He just did by saying it’s a big update lol

Those are interesting but i miss there official teases as i said the type 90 was pretty cool wish they did more of these
