Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

thank you

I hope this list is fake xD

Germany, who already had Bayern and Scharnhorst… just got A SECOND BAYERN-CLASS!

Meanwhile, all U.S has is needle shooters with twice as slow reloads and which get ammoracked if you as much as fire in their general direction, so… if USS Lexington (Battlecruiser) is the next step for America, with its 178mm thick armor at most, it will be kinda disappointing.

A WW2 Refit Colorado-class has been long overdue. However, I fear it may only come when other nations are way above it again. For some reason, America, in terms of Battleships, is kept behind stuff like Germany all the time…

I’ve been playing since Sept 2013 so I can still remember the air community laughing at me for suggesting an afterburning plane like the Yak-19 for the game like it was yesterday.

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It doesn’t look like the Hornet ether

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It is fake, both the vehicles for the UK are paper vehicles. Manticore is actually the WoT name of project Chimera (chimera 1955) IIRC. Or I assume thats the 1 they mean.

The P.1214 is the x meme plane.


Not exactly the same angle as in the profile icon, but it’s very resembling

Oh, good! Hahah

Well, not like I can expect much more anyway. According to Olivia’s reliable leak, it was a New Mexico-class ship that was coming, so not even a Tennessee at least.

I am sorry, I am still enraged that Germany got a second mini-Bismarck, as if Scharnhorst and one mini-Bismarck weren’t enough, while America is neglected like this xD

Was 100% a joke, just wanted to take a bunch of World of … game vehicles that looked bonkers or never existed, with the exception of a few to make them semi believable

Never heard of this rheinmetall panzerwagen but a few morel inter war vehicles would be cool for germany like the großtraktor which is from rheinmetall aswell

I think we are just hoping its anything that’s not a Tornado or Harrier with AMRAAM’s. A fighter without a gun is still better than a brick with some average missiles (as everyone is getting AMRAAM’s simultaneously).

SA or preferably Canadian air Sub-tree would be ideal.

How do you get this profile pic?

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Even the P.1216 wouldn’t applicable to add to the game and that thing went as far as a modified harrier airframe and all its technical specifications were drawn up.

by playing night battles


Germany had only 2 top tier (6.7-7.0) ships they did need another to have a complete lineup, whereas the US has 4 (including two 7.0 ships although the quality is more than debatable).

I’m more mad France does not have a Dunkerque or Normandie class.

And even more than that i’m mad that the UK quite literally the foremost naval power by an unthinkable margin until 1944 still does not have even 3 top tier ships. Let alone 7.0 ships when I can think of a pretty long list. How can the US and USSR and Japan beat us at what was our own game until 1944


This thanks.

Really hope we gonna have good news for navy, because the bluewater TT have nothing really worth the grind for the top ships, and we still lack coastal…

They just do half (half is a big word) a job then leave it like that …


I’m gonna take this over to the off-topic discussion as I don’t want a ban.

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It really depends on wether they are introducing newer planes with the arrival of AMRAAMs or not.
If they aren’t adding new planes for the other nations it is bound to be a Tornado, Harrier or Hawk (Gripen is a possibility in theory, but I don’t see that happening [yet], as both possible Gripens would need fantasy adjustments)
If we see stuff like the F-15 or F/A-18 that would open up possibilities like a canadian or australian Hornet

(And in case we don’t see AMRAAMs in december, we all know it would be a Harrier GR.9A)

What are you talking about?

Scharnhorst > Alaska
Sachsen > Arizona
Bayern > Nevada

Keep in mind that, in Naval, you can only spawn 3 times, so U.S having a 4th ship (that is even worse than the other 3 it has anyway) means nothing.

Scharnhorst is significantly better than Alaska (and most ships ingame at that), and Bayern is essentially a Bismarck with WW1 aesthetics… and now they get Sachsen, yet another one. 380mm guns with 25 second reloads., backed up by Scharnhorst and its 20 second reload; all of these ships being protected by 350mm thick belts and turtlebacks and having their ammo well protected below the waterline.

And what does U.S have? Ships that get ammoracked as soon as they are hit because their ammoracks are exposed and with 45 second reloads.

A Bayern can fire two 380mm salvos before an Arizona can reload after a single 356mm salvo…

And yeah, I hope Dunkerque/Normandie comes next update, along with a Tennessee/Colorado. Like… there are other nations in Naval apart from Germany, Gaijin! Maybe let other nations catch up to Germany before giving them Bismarck, or something.


I mentioned that the quality is debatable and by that I thought it was obvious that I meant they were worse, they’re still top tier ships there are 3 respawns and Germany could not take a full BB lineup where the US could, does the US need a worthy 7.0 ship? Yes. Did Germany not have a full lineup of BB’s? also Yes.

Unfortunately there are favourites in every aspect. Ground? Russia. Air? America. Naval? Germany (and Russia). But here both TT’s had a problem one got fixed I’m sure the next will also be fixed its not like the US isn’t one of the Big-3 their problems are also significant to Gaijin.

Again I’d ask if we can take this to the off-topic discussion. I don’t want a ban.

Would be cool to see GB Rank 8 this patch, however, i think there aren’t that many more MBTs to add for minor nations.

Germany->Leopard 2A7

UK->Challenger 3???
France->Leclerc XLR (this thing would be dogshit even under the best circunstances)
Italy->Another Ariete or Hungarian Leo2A7+
Sweden->Strv 123
Israel/China/Japan->Nothing left to add

So…what would be the hypothetical focus of rank 8?