Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Oh, you mean zooming in on the display

mhm! The intention is so you can pick out individual targets from a very otherwise cluttered scope, while maintaining the same distance settings on your radar

You can see this represented in DCS here:

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I’d guess they are gonna implement a display zoom function when ARHs arrive, since so far only the Tomcats would have really benefitted from such a feature

Well not necessarily - Any BVR capable aircraft would benefit from this as targetting say…a player vs the AI aircraft is pretty difficult ingame right now, even if you want to just attack a single dude.

The idea being, if your scope is absolute teaming with tracks, it makes it very hard to determine who is what and where they’re headed. Even with rectangle radar and manual slewing, you’re still finding it hard. If we had Expand mode on our jets, we could decrease the radar scope FOV and zone in on just one track, and target someone who’d make for a good kill, not just picking whoever’s luckiest

To be completely honest the AI aircraft making it difficult to lock players feels like a good thing to me, especially with the huge 16 v 16 lobbies.
Guess I haven’t run into situations where such a zoom would have helped me, flying the Tornado F.3 and Phantom FG.1 I usually go for isolated targets anyways

It’s a fault of map design frankly. 16 planes taking off from 1 location and all going the same way, mirrored on both sides is silly. There should be 3 airbases to spawn at, so there’s not as high a chance of a giant furball

With that said, modern aircraft have FOV modes for their radars to help with Identification and targetting and I feel like since we’ve got manual slewing of the cursor, scale and elevator we should get FOV too


I dont think this is real but got sent this on a server i am a part of

That’s hella fake

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I love fake leak lists :D

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Not this cr*p again, has anyone learnt from last time ?

I have, hence i said i belive it is fake, specialy due to the BR jump

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Mhm I doubt we will get 14.0 though I suspect we would get at least 13.3 with the Gripen

Maybe, but the F-15 atleast the EX is way to far away

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100% Fake

There’s 4 streams.

You can alwys show off fictional camos.
Live skins are only seen by you. War Thunder skins > Live skins.

Realistic BR tho.

Turbo fake. If that would be Su-57 I’d believe it more than this.


Why is there still no gripen or Finnish f-16 (im ve ankry)

Because it’s not december yet

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jumped 2 brs