Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

The framing and general size of the image posted made me giggle for a solid 5 minutes, I don’t know why. This is the second time a small, low fidelity image on the rumor roundup forums has done this to me


Then come here

we are just starting

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or argue with someone for days

this was the shortest update ever ngl! i know its just a peak to the biggest update in December!

Even then theres a good amount of stuff!
Some really cool stuff too

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whats an optynyy


Can we expect Gripen now?

Considering they mentioned a new top tier jet for sweden coming and the C variant being mentioned to be planned at least three times, yes


Gripen with skyflashes


At 11.7

I doubt it only the A had the possibility of mounting and firing them, besides we know now that we’re getting AMRAAMs itll be the C and that was the one confirmed anyway


F-16C and Barak II with Sparrows are telling me the Gripen C with Skyflashes aren’t unrealistic at all

It depends on wether AMRAAMs actually come in december or not

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I dont see why they wouldnt, and for the Barak theyre just placeholders we already know that and its still up in the air for the 16C

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Cause gajin monument

There’s still this issue of certain BVRAAMs used by some nations outperforming early AMRAAMs and I don’t see them skipping right into AIM-120-C5 territory
Also, whole lot of what-ifs considering the historical platforms of different nations

The Pr.45 destroyer:


dang, thats a long boi

What difference would it make WT wise?

People are going to be using them sub 20 km or in headons as per usual. Looking at the Fox 3 thread, I don’t see a difference between the 120A vs C5 (if anything the C5 is worse as it probably pulls less Gs).

C AMRAAM was upgrade for more range put simply