Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Personally, I’d like something more unique…
M1A2 with L/55 cannon (aka M256E1) would be pretty nice

Hey no worries at least we know that these two are separate vehicles.

most likely event more than teck tree or premium


Im not worried.

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The point being is that they’re not needed and dev time could be spent on making something unique to the tree other then a slightly different TES visually…

Went through this with the F-16C BLK 50, you don’t need a CW illuminator for late model AIM-7s. HPRF is the guidance signal. This is how the AIM-7M was fitted to the BLK 50 in King of Battle.

Not saying that is what should happen, but saying that could happen if AMRAAM is not going to be added in the next update but Gripen C is.

That’s what I said though
Deathmisser said that T-90 would be winter event tank for US
To which I replied that M1A2 with L/55 would be more unique reward


US: T-90A (Olivia) - M1A1HC USMC premium (Chinese Leak)

GER: Leopard 2A7 (BvvD Interivew)

USSR : T-80BVM (2023) (Olivia) T-90M (Olivia) T-90M Obr. 2017 (Chinese Leak) T-90M Obr. 2020 (Olivia)

GB : Challenger 2 Megatron (Olivia) Challenger 2 OES Premium (Chinese leak)

China : VT-4 (Files)

Sweden : Strv 122B+ (Files)


At the current level of combat, that’s probably correct. However, if Yamato is implemented in Warthunder, there are few countries that have WW2-era ships that can counter it, and countries that do not have it will likely implement several ships with anti-ship missiles. In that case, ships with anti-ship missiles would be easily destroyed in the current longest battles of 20km, so I think Gaijin would be forced to make the maps bigger.

I said most likely

God i hope the CH2s arnt what were getting next patch…

I’ll take that T-90 leak with grain of salt then
I’ll believe it when I see it announced

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Ah…It’s very sad that AMRAAM doesn’t come…
That means that the possibility of F-15 and Eurofighter will be implemented in the next major update has become almost 0%.I think…

Smin said that the EF is too advanced

F-15 could absolutely be added with an AIM-7/AIM-9 loadout.


I mean, if you ignore the light tanks, what else is there to get to push for inevetable 8th era?

Bruhh, you keep forgetting the Chinese VT-4 :(((

Damn it rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee

AMRAAMs will come or every plane britain can get wouldn’t be an improvement over what we already have, the harrier FA2 couldn’t carry Sparrows so would just be a worse Gr7 and the Tornado FSP would have no difference to the F3 with out AMRAAMs unless they give it ASRAAMs

Done : D

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