Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Submarines are a non-starter. But carriers and missile ships are an option. Problem is neither of those two are going to be very good without map changes. There’s no way a carrier can have any use when its airwing takes off well within AA range. And missile ships have a similar problem that they’re all unarmored (except for a few post-war conversions) and funny enough, the LoS breaks that naval could do with more of right now would hinder them tremendously.

Sevastopol was also considered for carrier conversion too.

The soviets considered converting the battlecruiser Izmail to a carrier in the 20s and actually started work on it but stopped as they no longer could make the engines after the privations of the civil war iirc.

The battleship Frunze was also considered for conversion in the 20s.

As for aircraft, ive heard of “yak-9k” in several sources though i dont know of this is the 9k we know with the 45mm cannon or if it denotes an earlier navalized version in the vein of su27k and mig29k. They seem to have had a torpedo bomber in the works, but it was never built. However, it does appear possible that Bariev Be-4 small attack flying boats could be fired from catapults via a sledge, so theoretically that could have been the strike arm.

USS Enterprise might be one

And if not, USS Forrestal for certain

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I mean aircraft carriers could be interesting but I have no idea how they’d implement them?

Like would it be a case of like player-AI controlled vehicles, so you can hop into your Stingray and have 3 of them form up and then select a target for them to attack?

If carriers were added then things like GMS’s could be a good follow on but so I can’t even imagine how they’d work.


My idea is it could be you take your aircraft carrier out and get x free spawns of the aircaft it has to use in attacks or as cap.

Y’all are talking about all the new top tier stuff you want and that is probably coming in the next update (at least some of it).

All I want is a new WWII-era Japanese prop plane…


would most likely be something similar to what W.O.W offers

all i want is to gaijin to fix the fucking AA gaps

like thank god they started to do that recently , but still , took them long enough


To be honest, I will not have any interest on the next update. Smin1080p already ended the discussion, most of the top tier players will leave the game until something is really interesting OR at least make them happy to spend time and money on this boring game at this moment, to be honest, they are just copy and paste thing again and again.

Thank you for saving my money. I will leave now.

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If no Fox 3 in December then I truly have no idea what either Sweden or Britain will get. There is almost nothing either of them can get.


Gripen C will be nice but we’ll only get Aim 9Ls

Probably the same things that gonna use fox 3 in the future.

Same things with France, IRL the -5F was used ONLY for be a 6x MICAs platform, nothing before that, so would not be surprised you got a fox-3 capable plane without fox-3.

My opinion will remain that post treaty ships that weren’t built shouldn’t be added and the tech tree should skip to cold war.

Like i said they would properly give them skyflashes cause the A could

They havent confirmed or denied it. But as they confirmed the Gripen C. It can either have some really good IR’s which i doubt because the gripej airframe alone is not top tier worthy. The other option is ARH

Though SkyFlash ST is barely good enough for 11.3. The best they’d have is the Skyflash DF (I think) and only 2. Would barely be an upgrade over the Viggen D.

Maybe copy and paste with 1 more F-14D or maybe copy and paste some F-16s or F-15A with 4 AIM-7M + 4 AIM-9, the loadout is similar to a F-4 lol, but it will not as good as F-14B at this moment

Not an option for either Britain or Sweden as neither would have access to F-16s, F-14s or F-15s.

If Britain was going to get an F-16 from say NZ, we should have gotten it 9 months ago.

F-18 with 9Ms and Aim7Ms is possible for both though. At a stretch

UK maybe will get RAAF f-18A/C

Or Canadian CF-18. Sweden could get the Finnish? F-18 as well, but Gripen C has been all but confirmed. If they got F-18 C&P after Gripen C was 99% confirmed for this year, theyd be rather unhappy