Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

we know full well if gaijin does add the R27EA it will either heavily underperform or overperform due to the lack of information on it

There arleady is a russian abrams tho :))

F5s were extensively used by the soviets

You mean MiG-28s ? x)))


True that one would be way less controversial.

american mig 29 =)


Needs to be added to every NATO country in game since it’s a NATO MiG-29

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France, Germany, and U.S. No U.K so no NATO MiG for them.

What is the story behind this one ?

I don’t support adding MiGs to every NATO country, but the UK is a founding member of the NATO.
You seem to be mixing that up with the European Union.

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Yeah the uk is part of NATO

I’m talking about the livery.

It’s just ingame decals…?

You even have the French flag on the back ! Clearly a plane for US and France /s

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No one seems to understand it’s a joke…
The U.K isn’t on the livery so I said they don’t get it.

i see my bad

this is the plug in for the sales to pop up on your war thunder store

War Thunder Store+ - Chrome Web Store (

But every vehicles using nato camo can also go in France in that case… Stop with that ^^

So France having yet another Mirage 2000-5 you guys must have a really really small tree to have a literally a C&P aircraft.

I don’t get where you are going.

USA also have a lot of C&P, 3 F-16s and 2 F-14s …?

Russia similar will only have developments of the Su-27 going forward.