Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Do you guys think tier 8 tanks are coming next patch? Perhaps if so they will introduce new higher BR tier 7 premiums?

Oh 100% I think it’s coming

Ohh exciting, wondering what’s (not) coming for Britain)

Maybe an Indian half line to finish off the export line ?

I really don’t like the recent changes to the BRs. It’s really messed up between 5.3 and 6.7. A Panther or Tiger should not really fight against a Tortoise, T-44 or a T26E-1, it’s ruined it for me and many others I’d say. I had to move to revert to a Tiger H1 and Panther D, which isn’t as fun… :-(

M8 it’s the “Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion” thread

I mean I’m not expecting the UK to get a tier 8 tank though I’d like it. I bought the Khalid and together with the Sho’t Kal Dalet I had bought like 2 years ago I’m having a lot of fun so I’m planning on going to top tier and get the Challenger 2s.


No-one will get a rank 8 vehicle, except for America and Russia (maybe Germany).
Then we have to wait a few months for Britain, Sweden and Israel to get an rank 8 vehicle.
Then after a year (maybe 2), China, Japan, France and Italy will get one.
It has (almost) always be like this.

seeing how germany got promised a better leopard 2 and it is the only reason we believe rank 8 might be coming it would be weird if germany didnt get one

They have “promised” so many things…
We have to wait what the future holds.

if thats not coming rank 8 is not coming pretty much, it is only hint we got for rank 8, nothing else hints at it coming next patch

They literally stated another Leopard 2 is coming for Germany this year.
They stated this before the Kings of Battle patch was announced, so it will arrive in December.

didn’t they mean the PSO with that?
I could be wrong, but it might have been the PSO.

I think I new feature is gonna be thermal coats for rank 8 tanks

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The PSO came out in Sons of Attila.
If they said there’d be another Leopard before the Kings of Battle announcement, then there’s another Leopard coming.

yeah, but they said that this year we would get a new Leopard.
They said it before sons of atilla (i.i.r.c)

Not necessarily, it 's more like it 's representing the entirety of possible Type 7 configurations for the purposes of having capabilities available for the event, while visually presenting as this particular one( or atleast, very similar to it ).

The USS Fletcher in the event is also not the same as the one currently available in the techtree, and the USS Tacoma is not the researchable USS Hoquiam( though it uses it 's visual model ) - they’re testbeds for the new mechanics.

Kindof like how the Leo 2A5 and T-90A were in that April Fools event, but when they later became regularly playable they didn’'t use the same models as they had then.

Dev season is starting soon. So, we would see what will happen.

Any idea when it’ll start? 2 week? 3?

My guesses… next week or in two weeks