Next discount 50% - Saab J35XS

Quick, when are the next 50% discounts on Golden Eagles? Tell me it will be before November!!!

The temptation is so great that I’ll fall for it at any moment and buy the J35XS.

At least, is it worth it?

Its 10.3 its pretty okay, not really my vehicle since it can’t even do 90% of its irl moves since the FM got nerfed but if you wanna waste your time grinding the tree its pretty good, just learn not to do full turns otherwise you’ll bleed too much speed.


I dont have experience with the XS though I do the A

The XS is overall the best Draken currently in WT, though it takes some getting used to. First, don’t hold S during a dogfight as Drakens suck at accelerating. Second, the gun fires a bit upwards (and you only have one), so take that into account when firing. It’s good in a dogfight but hard in a headon/chasing. Third, try to turn just so that your wings dont have the white trails but are just barely there. Fourth, be very careful when choosing your battles. Don’t try to chase an F-104 (obviously). Fifth, try to just have fun with it. 9 times out of 10 most mistakes from semi skilled players are from them stressing or trying to achieve something. Don’t play to grind, play for the sake of playing the game. Finally, sixth, don’t send the AIM-9Js at everyone

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There are never discounts on GE

At least not 50% in the last 10 years.

No, there never is

In the next update it will receive the cobra button, wait and see how it does with that before you consider buying it. Until then it’s still a solid plane, but it bleeds speed excessively, has no RWR, and only 12 CMs. F-5s eat them up every match really. Very powerful aircraft, but only in skilled hands.

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Honestly if gaijin ever adds the 2 R13M1 to the outer pylons it would be even better since they imo are just better RB24J’s

Are you sure? I’m sure there are 50% discounts at least twice a year: For WT’s anniversary and for the end of year celebrations.

It sounds like a Mirage III/V. Thanks for the tip. By the way, I get almost the same thing with the Norwegian F-5 and the J35XS. What do you recommend? I’m not really interested in grinding another TT, I just want a plane for 10.3/10.7 Swedish ground RB.

Those aren’t GE discounts.

Those are vehicle and premium account discounts.

You pay X money for Y GE. That Y GE can purchase more temporarily.

Indirectly you could see it as X buying nY GE.

Now I understand the confusion. I expressed myself badly. I may have assumed that you understood what I meant by the 50% discount on GE for GE vehicles. Since the J35XS is now 30% off GE. Ty guys

Obvious disclaimer that things can change, but in previous years it’s been :

-30% off during May sales (May)
-50% off during Aniversary sales (Late October / Early November)
-50% off during Winter Sales (Late December / Early January)

All three of those have a store sale the week after the ingame sales. The other big sale is the summer sale in June, but that is store discounts only.

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How come then that I bought GE with (iirc +20%GE) rebate in the past? You got the discount if you use a specific method of payment, like paysafe or razorgold.

Thanks dude, It was just what I needed. I’ll wait until May (worst case it will be 30% off).

Have you tried it on the devserver? For which aircraft will it be available?

Cobra will be on most 14.0 jets, the XS and all drakens will have it yet will still be unable to do the cobra move they made popular. Again the flight model is horrible.

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