New versions of Soviet Russian and German tank technology tree changes

1> By folding the T-72B into the T-72A combination, the T-72B 1989 and T-72B3 were grouped together, making the T-90A the predeveloped tank of the T-90M.
2> Switch the position of Leopard 2A6 to Leopard/PSO.
Alternatively, the T-72B could be folded into the T-72A combination, the T-72B 1989 and T-90A would be grouped together, and the T-72B3 remaining the predeveloped tank of the T-90M.

I disagree with everything but the Leopard 2A6 and PSO, and I am a soviet main. Though Mi-24V and Mi-24P should get foldered, maybe Mi-24PM added to 10.3.
They could add later version of Leopard 2A4 firing DM-53, T-90 (or T-90K) with Agava at 10.3 firing 3BM42 and folder it with T-90A.

OK !
Maybe you will change it the futurer but certainly not now, because we’re going to update it soon.

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