New version of Tunisia looks quite ugly/boring/bland

Long range is good. Gaijin executed it badly on that map.

You shouldn’t be able to shoot at the other team 15 seconds after you left spawn. A map that does long range well is Fulda, and it doesn’t have the same issue.

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Sands of Sinai went from Good to Bad to Terrible in the last few updates

I agree, but they shouldnt have changed Big Tunisia because that mountain gave cover between spawns

This ! : Fulda is probably one of my all-time fave at higher tier. It’s not so huge that you have to mindlessly drive for minutes before anything happens (large Poland suffers from that even though the engagement areas are good). It’s easy to read and navigate. Doesn’t have artificial barriers, doesn’t feel fake (looking at you Red Desert, Pradesh, …) while offering some decent engagements.

Another large map that could be great is Fire Arc but they need to fix the left spawns badly and maybe add some mild terrain features to that side too.

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Personally, I think it was made better. Now people actually play the game instead of camping on the hill. It also gives players more chances to get A and B, because there are fewer places to be shot from.

However, the changes have brought new issue to light, such as the lack of cover in most of the map. I think a solution would be to make the sand dunes slightly larger, and have them going in more directions.

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Agreed. A bit like the El Alamein maps but with less extreme dune size would be nice. Nuking the mountain is fine by me but more rocky outcrops maybe ? I wish I’d seen it live already :/

The change to the hills was good but I don’t understand why they removed the far eastern flanking route

What makes thing worse is that now it’s totally imbalanced, especially when in a much smaller size, like only containing the right half of the map. In that case, the north spawn point now lacks efficient blindage, while the south spawn point still keeps its sniper hill. I doubt if any of the current Gaijin employees is really playing this game, or you just pretend you do? @Stona_WT

Ironically, the rework of Tunisia only removed the north hill of the bridge cap, not including the south one. So there is now another terrain imbalance in the new map, a much severe imbalance comparing to the old one

How do you think map devs keep their jobs ?