New US SPAA Systems?

Yes all u need to do is a hard turn, not even flares lol

Yeah exactly, you would be able to take out stinger vehicles way easier which is why you want stinger humwees in game instead of cram.

that cram thing with the big rockets or the 500kg bombs from high alt easy targets or spam the small rockets

On an unrelated note of Germany and America, Sweden could get the PBV 410 ADS which uses swedens version of the IRIS-T RSR

The Canadian one could reach out to 20km by a quick skim of the specs. I did not really go into detail because information is sort of limited. I figured it may compete because of the additional range

Okay but it won’t be easy target when in match you have hostile fighters flying at other gun spaa at low alttiude. and a cram being able to intercept/move away from your high altitude employed weapons. Now comparing to that, a stinger would not be able to do anything at all.

So your argument to not add a vehicle is, while its more effective than stinger, it can still be killed so it should not be added, yet the stinger should be added.

US seems to be limited to stingers. Patriot may be a little over kill.

you arealy have the minigun spaa and is quite usless

Perhaps a more modern Stinger would work?

Vulcan is completely different system compared to a ciws. Ciws has automated systems to shoot down any rockets/bombs/missiles while a vulcan was indeed a piece of shit, yet it was not made for this purpose therefore it wouldn’t perform well for it.

Just don’t worry about that guy, he’s… himself.


Thread: new us spaa systems
you: starts suggesting new spaa for russia


Patriot is a completely different league of SAM compared to IRIS-T, it cannot even function independently so it won’t be added as a playable vehicle.

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We are looking for US systems here, please quit recommending post-USSR stuff


Flagged for offtopic

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this is not offtopic i guess


As much as that might be necessary, IMO its bad game balance if everyone has to get the same version of an anti-air system because said anti-air system is too good. It just kinda gives the message that said anti-air system shouldn’t have been added in the first place.

The Missile Support Platform, on which the launcher is installed, is mounted on the cargo bed of an M1152 Expanded Capacity HMMWV

The nasams fires either amraams or amraam-extended range missiles. These would work really fun, but you would have to use your eyes and teammates to spot the hostile planes.


One fun option could be this laser based system, though I would say it is currently too exotic to suggest or even estimate how it would work.
Most likely wouldn’t be effective in game either, but that we cannot know until it is added.
