New teamkilling trend. Nonstop machine gun noise

This weekend I noticed a new team killing trend. It was constant all All weekend. I don’t know where this is coming from. It seemed like some kind of TikTok trend except TikTok doesn’t exist.

This was in ground AB.

People were firing machine guns nonstop the entire game. Yes of course use them to clear brush to clear other things of course but there’s people just firing their machine gun nonstop for the entire game they don’t let up the noise is so pervasive you can’t hear other people and that’s why it’s team killing.

Did anyone else experience this? For me it was nonstop all weekend. It’s the first time I’ve ever experienced this I don’t know when it started or why it started anyway how do we report these people? How do we get them banned? It is extremely frustrating help.
Also, I wasn’t sure what to post this under if I should post this somewhere else please tell me this is driving me insane all weekend

TikTok does exist, it wasn’t banned (sadly)
It’s not really teamkilling and isn’t punishable iirc.


I disagree. Part of this game is listening so you can hear your enemies. Firing your machine gun nonstop to drown out sound is team killing. In this case, there are multiple players in a single game doing this together. It is clearly a coordinated effort to ruin the game for other people. If this isn’t team killing, I don’t know what is.

This only started in the last few days it was all weekend. I haven’t played today so I don’t know if it’s happening now.

That sound’s like a bug more than anything else.
I had a bug for a while where autocannons did this and i know it was a bug because they never overheated, never reloaded and didn’t do any damage to anything they “shot” at. It stayed in firing mode until the player actually fired some shots for real and then the constant noise stopped.

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Interesting! I hope you’re right

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