New Sim EC Rotations needed for 14.0

Hi folks!

WT has now received its first 14.0 aircraft, and also the Sim EC rotations were expanded to fit them in - but otherwise the rotations were not adjusted.

This means that also today, 12.3, 13.3. and 13.7 have no rotation where they are top BR, which is very, ahaha, unfortunate for those aircraft (that have to face for example at least Vipers and Fulcrums…):


I think - and I’m quite confident I don’t stand alone with this - that the top BR’s should have their rotations changed, and the following options I see as possible / reasonable:


I find the Variant C is the best, as it is most clear and least confusing, and it has the following pros / cons:

  • All BR’s - including 12.3 - have at least one rotation where they’re top BR (+)

  • The top two brackets (white and red) are only three BR’s “wide”, whereas all other brackets are 4 BR’s wide. I don0t see this as an issue, as it’s still possible of course to join in lower BR aircraft, if you have at least one aircraft in one of the BR’s of the bracket in your preset.

  • There’s one rotation where the topmost bracket only consists of 14.0 aircraft, and one with only two BR’s (13.7 and 14.0). While a one-BR-bracket would be new, we’ve already had two-BR-brackets just before the recent change (13.3-13.7), and they were used in two rotations. Again, as described above, this shouldn’t be an issue, as still lower BR aircraft can of course be used in those brackets.

  • One BR (13.0) would be top-BR in two rotations. This also isn’t an issue, and actually was the case for three BR’s in the brackets before the recent change.

So, your thoughts on this?


Oh, here for completeness the rotations before the patch, as today, and as proposed:


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