New Radar Auto change is Garbage

Just gonna mention my own experience here real quick and drop my opinion. I did some matches in the Mig 29 after the changes to radar were made, and I used the R27ERs extensively and had noticed a lot of issues that stuck out to me considering I was also playing the Mig 29 right up until patch day. Since the Mig 29 doesn’t appear to have a pulse mode, only PD and PD HDN, I thought things would be fine, but it turns out the auto switching behavior switches to IRST when the target enters a notch, which would be fine I suppose in the event of chaff being deployed and the missile still guiding to the targets general direction via data link, however there is another issue this causes that I uncovered through test flying and shooting missiles at AI and switching to IRST manually while the missile is mid flight. Upon switching back to PD track the missile almost always makes a 90 degree turn away from the target and does… I literally don’t know, despite maintaining a solid lock on the target. I realize now this is why I have missed a fair number of easy shots that normally should connect in matches and I was wondering what the hell was going on. This may likely be a bug, also worth mentioning I noticed my missiles would sometimes do the 90 turn even when my target was coming head on and nowhere near a notch, and my radar did not switch to IRST. I even looked at the sensor view mode in the replay and neither my radar nor the missile seeker lost their lock on the target, honestly extremely shocking to me considering I have never seen an R27ER do that before.

I’ve also seen a few videos where people were shooting off aim7s and due to the auto switch as soon as the target gets close to a notch the mode switches and the radar instantly locks a single cloud of chaff or is otherwise defeated by ground clutter instantly. I’ve seen a few instances as well where in direct head on shots the missile randomly did the same aforementioned 90 degree turn, not sure still if its related to the auto switching but it seems to be occurring prominently after the patch.

Honestly I believe the easiest and correct thing to do right now is to just make it to where you can manually override the automatic switching of modes on lock, I don’t care if it isn’t ‘historically accurate’, there are tons of things I could point out that aren’t historically accurate in WT. All this feature causes are annoyances, headaches and missed shots, and it seems to me it hasn’t been tested enough before implementation on the live server and I think it’s a bad idea to not have a manual override.


GAIJIN should have a switch option to let the player choose whether to enable this function.


I’ve played a few matches in the F-14B testing out the new AUT feature. It’s too finnicky and needs improvement. The only aspect in which it’s useful is when you are behind enemy planes within 2 km where you are able to use radar missiles against an aircraft going cold and don’t require a manual press of a button to go into SRC mode. Other than that; the missile logic and the radar logic seem have more trouble getting a firing solution at longer distances because I am getting the same issue as everyone else where the missile likes to go AWOL for no reason, even in instances where it would have a been a certain hit prior to the last update just because the AUT function messes with the priority of modes. For planes that have a strong PD mode such as Su-27’s and F-15’s, the highest priority mode should be PD and not really switch to SRC even in cold aspect. SRC should be automatically used if an enemy is in a notch position within -2/+2 degrees or so in that scenario.

Hi, missile and radar are separate systems.
There are some upcoming missile changes that will make the system better.

Can you provide more details on the issue with ACM AUTO?
Does the radar change to Pulse even in rear aspect when PD is better?


Can’t answer for him but radar likes to go in PD on m2k-5f instead of HDN PD while target is hot. IDK if that’s an expected behavior or not

See below ;)


Talking of missile changes, do you have any information regarding a rework of multipathing, especially considering the future introduction of ARH missiles ? (might be a bit off topic)

First time playing after the new update. Hopped in the F-4S to do some grinding and I noticed this AUT mode which wouldn’t let me go to pulse doppler. Now I keep getting chaffed even in headons because my radar won’t use PD. Please give us an option to disable AUT at least. Or some sort of manual override. Someone said it shouldn’t impact your gameplay negatively but it does when I get chaffed so often or when my radar locks chaff instead of the actual plane where it would lock the plane if I had PD turned on.

On the F-14 specifically with the AWG-9; the issue is that the AUT feature will stay in pulse if a target goes head-on again which in that instance the priority should be PD HDN or PDV since it is the stronger waveband. The AUT should have some sort of memory of which highest priority mode to use corresponding to what the player was using; like if they were using PD HDN or PDV and will switch back from Pulse to the mode they originally had.

For more advanced radars it definitely was. Not really a thing for early PD radars though.

Makes you wonder why they implemented it for the ones that didn’t have it.

The other thing is, these advanced radars did have an override option for waveforms, atleast some did, so why is it not an option to turn it off as well?

Hi, using PD instead of PD HDN for lock is expected behavior. PD HDN is used for long range head on target that regular PD cannot provide sufficient signal to noise ratio.

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Hi that might be a bug.
Pulse should only be used when target is notching, if the target is head on again, for single target lock the radar should switch back to PD HDN.

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Shouldn’t priority be like this?

Headon>normal pd> non pd (pulse)

Using headon mode tracking for hot targets seems more logical to me, then switch when it can’t maintain lock

I know normal pd is the jack of all trades mode, but pd headon has benefits as well

PD HDN is used against targets that are really far away. Since it is HPRF with a high duty cycle, more energy will be radiated and received back, thus ideal for long range tracking. But against a close range target it is not necessary. As such PD is the most ideal waveform most of the time.

There are special cases for F-15 where the radar will attempt to switch to PD HDN when launching missile…… but we won’t worry about that for now

More modern radars IRL would prioritize what they classified as more dangerous threats, and these typically are the ones closer to you. Makes no sense for the radar to try and see someone that’s 100km away if there’s someone 20km away from you. The radars would even calculate firing data for those dangerous (priority) targets.

If the target is close enough to be tracked in PD mode PD HDN has actually no benefits in comparison to PD in the game.
IRL in PD (MPRF) provides better range tracking and better targets separation in range than PD HDN (HPRF).
PD is overall better if the detection is possible at all.



Are there any plans to add TWS Auto for radars that have both TWS PD HDN and TWS PD (a

Modern radars also are explicitly said to switch waveforms to optimize detection and not just tracking according to multiple sources.

“To reduce the pilot workload and to enhance detection and tracking capabilities, high automation allows automatic adaptive scanning.”

(Links currently do not embed properly on forums so you can copy and paste the link into the URL to open the image).

It is not finally clear from this pitcure what TWS AUTO means.
If it means manual track initiation - this mode would be useless in the game.
If it means the same what it means for F-14: in AUTO mode scan zone always follows the selected target - in the game TWS is always AUTO if a target is selected. No need to have separate mode.

Many pulse-doppler radars we have in the game have IRL automatic search mode, which means constant (usually after each scan bars change) waveform (HPRF and MPRF) changing. But in this mode the full search is twice longer. This is why we didn’t add these modes.


My understanding is automatic waveform for TWS mode. Switching from TWS HDN to TWS PD when optimal.

Last question for you, are there any more plans to add raid-assessment mode?

These are the radars we have confirmed sources for that they had raid assessment mode. Some or most of them have been reported.

Raid assessment mode would allow a radar to maintain some situational awareness while maintaining a single-target track (STT) by quickly scanning in the inmediate area of the target.

Zhuk series radar for Yak-141 and Mig-29SMT(source will be given below)
APG-63 for F-15 (reported)
APG-68 for F-16
RDY for Mirage 2000 (reported)
APG-65 for Harrier (reported)
APG-71 for F-14D (currently not in the game).

Source (page 9/10):

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