I’m very sad with the new player card because it doesn’t show nation flags and bought/spaded vehicles for each country. Please add that. I like to spade all the vehicles and it was nice to keep track and also look at my card’s spaded vehicles.
The old player card is way more informative, the new one is just visual pollution.
The old medal system was better ,it was like you were looking at the players uniform ,it was easier to get an idea of the player at a glance.
People wanted to see more statistics, KD records, win streak records, best battles in their account history, how many nukes they managed to drop, some personal statistics and player records. Ganjin’s response? We’ll stuff the old stats windows into a new design that looks awful like something from a mobile game that makes everyone gag. Playerbase pissed off, the snail happy because it imposed its idiotic point of view.
Playerbase needs the ability to modify the user interface, just like today we can throw out their stupid holiday hangars, we need to be able to completely modify the game interface. Then no one will care what stupid things they come up with next and that it looks even more hopeless than before because it can be changed at any time.
never participated in the forums in 11 years, but gotta say the new profile cards are among the worst change Gaijin ever did. Please give us the option to revert.
Absolutely same here, I’m not the type to make forum threads but this change needs to go.
New player profile card is simply horrible
I have to use “war thunder assistant” app to find good old usefull data
The last time I made a comment on these forums was 2021 I think? I forget, but it was about the same exact issue back then too, back when they changed all of the medals’ aspect from actual medals into ribbons that looked really lackluster compared to what we first had… but fine, at least it still showed something there so I forced myself to accept it.
But now they do it AGAIN, and this time we downgrade even MORE than before…
Gaijin, for the past years I always tolerated your terrible decisions when it comes to BR changes, map changes, map design, adding unwanted features and so on, I am almost always quiet and I keep buying your premium vehicles, and for what?
I do it because at the end of the day I felt a bit of pride thinking about the reaction somebody may have after I do really good in a game and they get curious and click my name and get a profile full of medals pop up in their face.
I did it because of the bit of motivation boost that I would get from staring at my own profile and thinking about how many years of games went into all those medals and numbers.
The only reason I kept pushing on year after year on this grind has been so I could finally finish getting all of Germany’s medals, ALL of them, and now when I am less than a mere month away from finishing that goal you roll this RIDICULOUSLY depressing and minimalistic profile, stripping it of style, stripping it of useful info, stripping it of every player’s unique identity and stripping us of our source of pride.
I am NOT going to go over an extra click just to see somebody’s stats or medals, and no one else is going to because nobody cares about others’ achievements, we all only do a quick glance and then close it. That’s why we all liked it when it was right there in everybody’s faces to see the work we put into this game.
If a general shows up with a jacket full of medals it commands admiration and respect and they don’t need to say anything about their achievements to get that. On the other hand if the same general shows up in plain clothes and has to go around saying “Hey, did you know I did this and that in the war? Check out my service record, it’s impressive” it comes off as bragging and everybody hates a braggart.
It’s a similar case here, and with this you have utterly destroyed my motivation to try for anything in this game anymore, and likewise to ever buy anything from you again; part of the joy of building a collection is getting to show it off.
Unless you can give me a real reason to keep trying again, I’ll just play warthunder on and off as a pointless pastime, a couple games a month, but you will not get anymore grind time or money out of me no matter what you release.
Its absolutely terrible, Im here since beta and after all these years I still cant understand why Gaijin try so hard to change things that nobody wants changed.
This need to be reversed, this thing simply hides everything many players grinded for years to show on the main screen of their profile: Medals, vehicles and spaded vehicles, stats, it was all there, fast and easy to see, on the first screen. Now the main screen profile have only meager half dozen meaningless totals of something Gaijin decides as your “favorite” mode. And I wont even start on the rest, many people already roasted that.
This needs to be reversed.
They probably want to make it harder to see the 1:200 KDR of a level 6 in the 11.7 premium
How can I find how many vehicles I have unlocked/spaded? Why is there option to change favorite game mode when it switches back to preset in some time?
The new UI is terrible.
So much wasted space, and having the ribbons, medals hidden on the first screen you open, as well as not having the unlocked and spaded vehicles at all is completely pointless. Why would you add the option to grind purely cosmetic/vanity awards if you can’t display them to brag? Also, making it fullscreen makes the action of adding achievements to track (like Pages of History) weird, and I know about it, and already think the placement is a bit confusing, but newer players will have it way worse.
In short, I highly dislike it, and would like the previous one back, or at the very least, have it not be fullscreen, it’s just unnecesary
From my perspective I agree and also disagree with your post.
This is the part that I agree the most with. Overall, this profile cards are bad. But, looking at this from a new player perspective I think this player card is better for them, but not for us more experienced players. New player don’t understand what everything meant on the old playercard for example spaded vehicles. For us it was something we were proud of. Also the medals, owned vehicles, it was something we wanted to have on our profile.
This is the part that I also agree. Maybe they don’t have to bring the old design back. I think this one is more pleasing for human eye than the older one, where there was a bunch of text. If they would keep this design but add to it our medals, our owned and spaded vehicles. That would be awesome. Heck, this new design doesn’t even update our stats, it shows the same stats after every game. I think they have to remake this because this is honestly the worst part about this update.
I’d say it hurts new players just as much.
Being able to easily see at-glance the change in your kills/flyout and average score, team position per battle for life time and for the last month was a very nice feedback to see if you’re improving and doing better versus stagnating or even getting worse.
Even the new statistics/leaderboard tab doesn’t show all the information you could access there.
Contrast this with League and Dota’s changes where they have been going out of their way to try and give players feedback on their recent performance and how it compares to lifetime.
It can be, also cannot. Like I said, new player didn’t understand everything on the card. Now he atleast sees (if it was working) his overall stats. But for us yes, this is horrible. I can’t see literally anything because even the stats don’t update. I can’t see my win %, place in my team %, vehicles, medals, anything. This new player card is just my name, level and profile picture. Horrible.
Will Gaijin ever revert this hugely unpopular decision? I don’t think I have ever seen such a backlash.They sure upset the stat shamers on here of which it would seem there are many : )
At least the fact that EddieVanHalo couldn’t hit his own ass with a banjo is now a closely guarded secret. I am all for the changes : )
Yes, other players around me also expressed dissatisfaction with this. Gaijin’s original intention of trying something different was good, but this change is indeed unpopular, this is a fact.
I do feel Gaijin have tried hard with this update and I hate to seem ungrateful but this really does underline the issue of altering that which does not need changing while ignoring all that certainly does need changing.
Just came here to say that the new player card is absolutely awful.
No one asked for this, no one wanted this.
Quit wasting resources on stuff nobody wants.
A new player profile card is a great idea, it’s just that the current one feels incredibly unfinished, and it’s lacking in both basic and advanced stats.