New profile Player Card

The tab was there with the recent change, I think all of the tabs from the old profile are still there, just in different positions on the interface now. I think the issue(s) most of us are having is with the things they removed. With the Q&A they finally made an “official” statement concerning the Player Profiles(with pics even!) and it seems to be a step in the right direction. I don’t really mind a change to the appearance(was it really needed?) as long as the functionality and details were still there. Currently, they are not . . . hopefully that gets rectified.


Yeah, it’s been a real pain to track declining game activity on members or see how much new applicants actually have played recently, since the change. Bit of a kick in the head for squadron leaderships.


I’m using the Assistant app, which still has the old stats, to judge applicants and track current members who have stopped playing. Nowhere near as efficient, though.

Is Air sim Service record broken?

I’ve been flying the A6M5 stock and slowly grinding it out purely with sim.

This says I havn’t earned any silver lions with it and barely any RP.

Whereas just my last battle, I got the following rewards:


Nowhere any impressive score, but I definitely earned more than 0 SL even without considering economy modifiers and whatnot.

The profile section was long overdue for a rework, it was an absolute cluttered mess of things added/changed over a decade. I like the redesign conceptually, but I do wish they’d simply waited another couple months until more of the features were ready.

Though personally the number of unlocked/spaded vehicles is the only thing that really feels missing.


What a garbage change.

Just turn this into mobil game and get rid of all useless none paying players already. I am sure 7 years olds are better market for you guys, since you just sucking every bit of grind already.


You must be one of the 15%

  • Should Gaijin add back the ribbons on the first page of the new player card with the Medals, Vehicles and Achievements similar to the original? (See Below Example)
  • Yes add back the Ribbons to page 1
  • No the new one is fine
0 voters


Does anyone know what changes have been made to the new version of the profile? Will the medal page be displayed directly?

No real change this update. Check the dev stream changelog, but it’s pretty meh.

I still don’t think Gaijin realizes what a discouragement for player enthusiasm this was. I got another little Japanese medal today, normally I’d have enjoyed going to my profile, seeing the little change to the service ribbons under my headshot. Now that’s all gone. Not only are the service ribbons completely gone, but the medal tab with the full medals is still where it was, buried under a tab I’m never going to click on. Just incredibly disappointing, really. “Making the little numbers go up” is literally the whole point of a game like this, the one offset when you have an otherwise disappointing or unrewarding play experience. It has definitely decreased my interest in playing as much as I do.


They wholly misunderstood what the players use the Profile for and grossly underestimated it’s importance to a great many players. It only magnifies the severe disconnect between the Dev team and the player base as a whole. While I am sure they do listen to a select few number of players here and there, I’m afraid it doesn’t represent a significant sampling of us all, as a whole.
It took them a good long time to even acknowledge that what we were upset about even existed. And from the Q&A we got very little info/feedback to our concerns and seem to have been put on the backburner about the whole thing.
It appears it’s just a "we’ll get around to it someday in the “future” and we’ll just have to wait and try to get by on severely limited information in a less than user friendly interface . . . and I would not be surprised that much of the data we have relied on will be lost or tossed out and we’'ll just be stuck with this tiktok/mobile version of very limited info . . . prolly to free up space for the game overall.
I am not sure that they even care about our concerns, what we want and/or use in the game, especially something that doesn’t generate revenue for them, just not a priority I guess . . . too bad . . . it was not only useful to many, but also a tradition of the game . . which to me, as a long time player, is kind of important.
But we’ll see . . . maybe it will come around as a good thing . . in due time, but I am afraid that could be a good long while . . . game has been in a constant state of change/flux the entire almost 11 years I have been playing . . . this is the way


I hate how simplicism is taking over everything. I don’t like this uneeded change to something that was already perfect, less to make it look more “modern”.


One of the more annoying aspects is that it’s no longer transparent, so if you’re flying and want to check stats, it now completely blocks your screen… but I guess that’s what happens when people who design something don’t play the game.

All these changes are changing things for the sake of changing things and not actually improving them, whilst things that should be improved are left untouched.

Or things are added that just are poorly done, like the mode selection for the hangar, failing to separate air from ground.



Or the loadout creation menu. Why are the preset actions in a submenu instead of having a rename/edit/copy/delete all be separate buttons along the bottom screen.

Or the fact that right and left clicking on a vehicle do the exact same thing.


This I can MAYBE attribute to controller compatibility.

A controller without free mouse movement favours submenus for quick access over separate buttons.

Not a fan, but I can understand it as a possible cause.

(For instance: Consider the design of Oblivion’s menus versus Morrowind’s. Oblivion showed up when Xbox/PS dominated gaming and PC was kind of abandoned as a main market while Morrowind is from the era where PC was primary)

Or to have a whole menu thats shows identical information to what you already have.


This whole thing gives you the exact same information you already had, the option to change order which is already replaced by being able to drag vehicles, crew training which is already on the other menu, and the only useful info is the XP points, but that could have been displayed in various other locations, but instead we needed to have a whole area for backups instead.


Literally 50% of the button is useless redundant crap.

And then of course the whole statcard has a bunch of useless information, armor values are irrelevant as they do not consider angles or anything, and we still don’t have stabilizers, thermals or rangefinders listed on the cards… for air it’s just as stupid to list crew members, or max speed but at a random arbitrary height that you cannot compare, the amount of presets or the burst mass, or the turn time or the take off run…


Gaijin, we need those stats back.



Can’t wait till we get more customization



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So, they added a “Favourite Vehicle” which took a minute to set up and now . . .
I can’t see half the info because I play using an Ultrawide screen and don’t use my mobile phone with that tiktok vertical formatting . . .

Be nice to return this and add premiums by nation as well
Vehicle Count 7-21-2022