New profile Player Card

same here i grinded out vehicles, spaded them, favourited medals and spent months grinding them even when i had completed the nation just for gaijin to strip it all away in a change no one asked for, ribbons are the pride of many many players and its their drive to play this stupid game. So why gajin are you YET AGAIN changing something no one asked for, whist still ignoring many many other issues. Just to name a few, new arb maps, new game modes, further balancing and decompression, etc. Pissing off the playerbase, the long term players, the players who invest money and time into your game is not the answer gaijin, sort it out ASAP


Give players back the old profile version! Immediately! This new one is a nightmare, I want my medals and awards back on one page. You are taking away people’s motivation and willingness to play! Stop ruining what’s good and deal with the bugs!


The new profile looks fancy - thats the only positive thing.

When I am in a battle, I check on an opponent or friend to have a better understanding of the stengths (with 1x click). Now I need 2x clicks and have to move the mouse to a certain position. Its a waste of my time in a battle situation and I just will not use it anymore.

Good intention by Gaijin, but I believe “meaning good” doesnt mean “making good” in this case.

But otherwise I love that game, dont get me wrong :)


New profile page:

  • no way to quickly check WR and kills per battle, I have to click through leaderboards (tedious and useless)
  • still no way to see how many PLAYER KILLS in Air RB were scored with a certain plane. Only total kills, including bots. WR is calculated from both Air and Ground RB, hence individual plane stats continue being not as useful as they can be.
  • a lot of empty space
  • simplified for people with tiny brains who don’t check stat cards anyway, cause all they would see was how bad they are.

I think this change shows once again that game openers don’t really love to play the games they produce, they don’t realise how hard many players work and put in a lot of time and effort to get specific medals and spade carriers.


I never realized that people care a ton about medals and spading vehicles until I saw lots of people complaining about the change.


looks like this new forum here,
simple, meaningless and boring
no player has asked for it,
pointless waste of time and money !!!


Indeed I may be interested in things like medals myself. I don’t mean that I want the game to be changed to cater for my interests, I’ve seen a lot of work from gaijin on this update, and I actually really like this update apart from this change, but as you can see, there are a lot of people who are just as unhappy with the new profile as I am, and I’d really like to see a designated official polling system given to openly and fairly judge whether or not to pull the plug on the new profile. changes.


Yeah bloody right, they do.

If that was their MO then I’d be a millionaire.


Please change it back. This is just bad. Important stats are missing and useless stats shown (amount of AI kills for example). I’m sure something good was intended but this is clearly unfinished and nobody asked for this in it’s current state.

Overall most of the players like more stats, not less.

Still like the patch overall but this new profile card detracts a lot from it.


We need the old player card back - it was filled with important stats, you could get an idea of a player at a passing glance, it showed spaded vehicles and I like the old-timey look it had. We did not need this change! It’s honestly one of the biggest downgrades this game has ever made in my opinion.


100% prefer the old player card. I liked seeing my medals on the front page.


I agree, this change is pretty demoralizing. We all spent countless eons playing this game and the spaded vehicles/medals were fun visual milestones. It also visualized the nations and game modes we loved to play alongside our progress in said nations.

I never really commented in the forums/discussion but the new player cards really are very disappointing.


Honestly, I was not paying attention to my player card. I simply do not care much.
Question is: is this new version an unification attempt with War Thunder mobile?

I doubt it, since they’re basically two different games.

What I do think it will lead too is an updated and more modern UI, which I believe is needed.

More modern as in - lots of empty spaces, missing important data, overly simplified for gaijin target demographic’s intellectual capabilities?


For me, feels like it was made for a mobile game.
4/10 for me :/


i am a relatively new player but i hate the new profile change… they just removed all the important information and i cannot see what country is a player maining and other stuff. i always check stuff like this during game and now i just see this stupid minimalistic window that tells me nothing.

please bring the old one back or add the information (number of vehicles, ribbons, medals) because nobody is going to go an extra mile to actually dig the service record and see what country someone’s maining…


This WAS better than what we got . . . a LOT better . . .


I think the new one looks like gaijin pass or gaijin store instead of warthunder lol.