New national flag, European Union Flag (legit or not ?)

like many of you here I am a European player (specifically Italian) and I have always wondered why we don’t have the European Union flag in the customization in the game. Yes, the game focuses on inserting national flags and we all know that the European Union is not a “single nation” but neither can we say that it is nothing at all. many military vehicles are supplied with the European flag and furthermore it is also a sense of belonging that we have. what do you think? should it be added? I think will be cool and nice


I don’t see why not.

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I`d like that as well, +1

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Why not.

But I don’t think any military vehicle is supplied with the Europe Union flag, like, let’s say Germany develops something, why would Portugal also have credits for this creation, when never had a finger in the product.

Out or not of topic, eventually new flags could be added just like Europe Union.

Yeah I don’t think military vehicles from the various European militaries display the EU flag. What would make more sense would be a UN flag but idk to what point that’s legal.

We could have more flags and insignias for international organizations in general, especially those with military presences (as that would appear more natural in War Thunder’s context). The UN has UN Peacekeepers, the African Union has the African Standby Force, and there’s NATO and CSTO. Of course, flags of non-military alliances are also welcome, like the CIS and Arab League.

The UN flag itself is in Public Domain, since it was created before Administrative Instruction ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2 (17 September 1987) and is not listed in the Annex of Administrative Instruction ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.1. The UN does claim here that the use of its emblem is “highly restricted and essentially limited to the organization’s activities” and that it may not be used to “represent or imply an association or affiliation with the United Nations”. There might also be some controversy in using the UN flag in a game that focuses around combat, while the UN’s official peacekeeping policy is to promote and maintain peace.

However, War Thunder already uses all sorts of flags and insignias of various nations and organizations that probably have similar stipulations, so I guess Gaijin’s legal team isn’t really concerned about these things.

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Italian army for example in this years start to use the European flag on some veichles expecially in international traings, and also the sweeden army do the same (imagine just that the sweeden soldier and police have the UE flag already). Maybe about the UN have sense but also is not “kind” to put becausw Tecnically is for “peace” and i dont know if will be nice to see an UN camouflage on a M113 destroy other tanks 😅 nut the EU flag Tecnically is our culture our land and all the states inside of the union work together not just about economy but also for military equipment

Would love to see a EU flag in the customisation section. I would probably use it

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