New nation - India! (with Pakistan subtree)

Nah too many copy and paste instead we should give Pakistani tanks and jets to china and Indian tanks and jets to uk since both countries have their vehicles in those trees already

Adding India and Pakistan together is like adding Japan and South Korea, insert any Arab nation here or Turkey with Israel, Ukraine with Russia or even Ireland with the UK it’s not going to end well

As for the whole “Copy n paste” thing, at least in the case of Indian Air and Helicopter that is far from the case since India has domestic military aircraft that has a production run (unlike Israel) ontop of the modification of foreign vehicles

Also adding India as a subtree of the UK is stupid partially due to geopolitical reasons (I also don’t like the fact that South Africa is a subtree of the UK for that reason alone) but also it would bloat it with too many Soviet made vehicles that the British have no relations to

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While i agree in the general sentiment…

Theres already irish coastal ship in the british TT

At least there is some kind of “friendly” (very loosely applied relations), unlike india and pakistan, so it at least makes some sense. Moreso india vehicles are already present in the UK TT already so thats probably the route gaijin will take.

Theres already irish coastal ship in the british TT

That is because that ship in question is built by the British so it makes sense to add it in the UK TT in that regards. People will start noticing it and be more opposed to it when Irish vehicles that are not built in the UK are added to the UK TT

At least there is some kind of “friendly” (very loosely applied relations)

It doesn’t really matter if they have friendly relations or not, India shouldn’t really be in the UK TT and we shouldn’t encourage Gaijin to add India to the UK TT

Why not?

Jewish Vatour was in France tree for the first time.
And now we have complete tree with top-end vehicles.

Acually Russia and Germany was an ally before 22 june 1941.

As killstreaks - would be nice.

It was a non aggression pact. It doesn’t necessarily mean alliance.

they invaded poland together

Israel had plenty more before then, think of US Magachs and Merkavas a swell as UK Sho’t Kal Dalet

It’s all added over time, But then it’s wasnt enought vehicles yet.

Now we already have a lot of vehicles which India/Pakistan using. So not much hard to replace flags and add a new nation tab.

That’s quite the null argument tbh.
France only had two vehicles to my knowledge prior to being added, Sweden had only one.
The amount of vehicles a country without a tech tree has in the game matters little in regards to it being added independently.

I also wouldn’t call three Indian vehicles a lot either


who cares ?

For several reasons

  • India is not a Commonwealth Dominion nation.

  • There are better fits for a Subtree for the UK in the form of Canada and Australia.

  • India doesn’t use as much British equipment as people think. The Indian Airforce still uses more Russian made aircraft than British aircraft at the very least a plurality and they barely use any British built Helicopters if none at all, they use more Russian and even French designs anyways.

  • India has more than enough Aircraft and Helicopters to make an Independent TT to work though if it is only an Israeli model TT it’s just Ground TT that is struggling in terms of content somewhat.

  • If an Indian Subtree was added to the UK TT people would complain that it made the UK TT “Too Asymmetric” in playstyle which is an argument that people made in other Subtrees, I don’t agree with that sentiment but it is an argument that i’ll personally seen. People will complain that the addition of an Indian Subtree will bloat the UK TT to much which is a more justifiable sentiment.

  • The UK already has a subtree in the form of South Africa though i think South Africa can be a independent TT within it’s own right.

  • Gaijin stated that there will be a maximum of one subtree per techtree, reinforced by the fact that Gaijin stated that having more than 5 lines is impossible unless the game has massive game engine changes.

  • Gaijin’s stances on a lot of things are not set in stone so on the one hand they may allow a second (or more) subtrees on the other it is just as likely that India could be a Independent TT.

  • If trends are currently going the way they were, India would suffer the same fate as Australia, Canada and Israel prior to the addition of the Israeli TT where they are “Oops all Premiums/Events” and/or scattered in multiple TT where making a proper lineup impossible. People absolutely despised both instances.

  • There was a Nation that was a “Subtree” of sorts back in the day, Italy was a Pseudo Subtree of Germany prior to the addition of the Italian TT so subtrees can evolve into TT’s within their own right.

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at this point alot of countries are either exported Russian or US equipment or domestic licensed produced copies i dont see why anymore should be added its more for gaijin to do and less time for them to fix this game (its a helluva mess right now audio is even off as of recently)

Complicated to say the least

On the one hand India is a main factor in the reason why Bangladesh is even an Independent nation to begin with. Also India stopped the Bengali Genocide that was being perpetrated by the Pakistani Army and pro-West Pakistani groups during the early 1970. On the other hand the relationship was Icy at best from Bangladesh’s independence until recently and it doesn’t help that it can be quite abusive at time.


We have better relations with Russia (strong ones) than with Britain and most of our vehicles, as @AspandaIV said, are from Russia. Therefore, our subtree, if Gaijin wants to make it one, should be in Russia and not in UK.
Also India should not have a Pakistani subtree for the latter has Chinese vehicles.


not to be political but thats only because you guys buy their stuff


kinda sad thats how it is cold war era US vs USSR style politics “buy our stuff or be our battle/testing ground”

Russia/USSR is more like a historical ally of India than just a seller.