New Mechanic: Ammo Boxes

This would have been nice.

Now some vehicles are lack of ammo in arcade after ammo box model added, such as Type 42 rocket truck, BM-13 and BM-31.


Its quite a buff. There are indeed some vehicles which run quickly out of ammo during ratting around the map edges. Usually you had to selfdestruct, since getting new ammo on the flanks isn’t possible. Now you have double loadout^^

That’s why I’m not happy that they didn’t make two separate votes for Realistic and Arcade game modes.

Ammo boxes were designed for Realistic, where they are a clear buff to vehicles that struggle (these vehicles received more ammo). But at the same time they are a huge nerf to all rocket and missile vehicles in Arcade, as they lost their unlimited ammo feature.

Basically, Gaijin didn’t really think through how this change would impact Arcade battles. Unfortunately, this change hit the weakest vehicles (ATGM vehicles) the most. And this is exactly the reason why in the last few months I spaded all pure ATGM vehicles on my account. I predicted they would implement this without thinking about the Arcade game mode.

I didn’t manage to spade missile SPAAs, because I don’t even have them researched yet. They were also negatively affected by this change. There are many SPAAs with only 4 missiles, so with ammo box they are limited to 8. Previously they had unlimited ammo in Arcade.

There are even some vehicles that didn’t receive ammo box, but still lost the ability to reload everywhere on the map (ammo boxes implementation completely disabled this mechanics for Arcade battles). These are usually Light Tanks at high BRs. These vehicles use low caliber guns that don’t work well in Arcade (where everyone sees your position) so such vehicles mostly relied on their missiles. And now they only have like 4 missiles and that’s it. Previously they could use missiles whole battle long.

This change is a huge nerf to many vehicles in Arcade game mode, but the devs don’t care. There is no sense to use many vehicles now in Arcade, because without unlimited rockets/missiles they simply aren’t good vehicles. Even before this change they weren’t META anyway and now they are much worse. Spading/playing them now in Arcade will be a nightmare. But no one cares, the devs don’t even play the game, so they don’t understand the problems they create with updates.


I completely agree with your point of view, your analysis is very accurate, that’s what I want to express. Gaijin didn’t study the game seriously and always offended a part of players. Many changes were not in place, which made my friends and I very angry.


the crates should be bigger,at least bigger than those missles

gaijin i want this!!!

pantsir can carry 12 more missles.How can the vehicle carry that many?And put them in that tiny cute crate.

I really dont like how the new ammo box feature is implemented.

The limitations to certain classes feels like those classes received artificial buffs, that make them way more effective over other vehicles. This is especially true for maps where there are hard to reach or heavily contested resupply points. All vehicles with ammo boxes have way more potential to just dig into positions and never have to leave them for the rest of the game, most light, medium and heavy tanks are excluded from this, even though there are plenty tanks among them who take amounts of ammo into battle that are equal or sometimes even lower than those some TDs take.
(Quick example: A Marder carries 4 MILANs , while a Raketenjagdpanzer 2 carries up to 14. RakJPz gets the ammo box because of its class, now having a potential of 28 ATGMs, while a Marder still has 4.)

It also feels like this goes against the idea of realistic battles. How is it justified that all vehicles are modelled after their real world capabilities and constraints, just for a select pool of vehicles to suddenly start ignoring their ammo restraints, by being able to conjure a box of ammo anywhere on the map that is not part of its physical model?
It fits perfectly into the concept of arcade battles, but it should have no place in other game modes.

Why this approach was chosen over a more general approach, like giving every team a resupply area next to their spawn that all vehicles could use, is beyond me.


Would be nice to have ammo boxes on spike carriers like puma, namer or lynx (or other ifvs with grim amount of atgms). They have 4 spikes which rarely kill something except light vehicles or helicopters. In my opinion those ifv need ammo boxes more than random spg with 75 shells or zsu23-2m2 with almost infinite amount of ammo.