Thats my currents statepoints according the experience and yes new map changes are terrible.
As i see all current concept fit for 3 pattern:
- -front line: massacre in mid and limited flank opportunity.(like north Holland) and restricted areas on maps which not allow us to flank enemy
- -Hill land where half of tanks are useless thanks to bad gun depression
- -lowland where everyone camping.
Moreover not just boring every map thanks to same pattern, they are destroyed in current state which most case provide more 0 or 1 death quit. Not variety just same … and they mappers work on big force to convert old ones to fit this 3 pattern. Copy paster schema. Basically force players to rush instead of use tactics and skill. Not to talk the oldschool TD (like SU-85,Stug ) useless. And i m not satisfied. As a veteran player who play with warthunder since 2014, and when i realized the mass map destruction which happend since 2022-2023 i sad really. Why happend? I not know that why needed(the map construction update). Because if happend when want to improve spawn protection, it happend the opposite. 75% of maps which got an update more opened the spawns or hard to leave it safety. Thats the experience. If nobody tested it or how accepted the changes without someone checked it or idk what happend . So please do not hide behind the following statement: maps got and update because improved the spawn protection, because thats NOT TRUE, thats a big lie. Idk what suggestion based on roadmap(s)
If it not enought old spawn protection environment’s 70-75% removed or changed which provide more opened maps. like in Sinai, Aral Sea case. Or put more back the spawn(maybe into the valley to got more disadvantages) forexample in RB maginot line case and you need to across the full opened fields while no cover exists.
In other hand i like, to they changed and add minor modification on cities like in: advance to Rhine, easter europe, which in first impression not bad but if you realise what it cause , its a disaster. But what it caused ? Mostly large tanks much harder to maneuvering and stuck in environment. Favor for one team of the team (depend on location)to set up an ambush and successful hold the points. And the best i not find any sources to that update happend… just faced in battles
In Carpathian hills also a big disaster. team which captured the hill able to hold it easily thanks to additional flora and covers. Not just hold it, the opposite team who try to attack need to across the opened field with a hil climb which have a negative effect on maneuvering also…
That’s force me to play only in air battle and give up ground battles…
Idk, the roadmap made on/based on (which contain map changes) which suggestion(s), but that nobody checked or not checked by mapper or came from inner circle …
Idk, who accepted it but it make a huge mistake when it did it.
#Istandwitholdmapconstructions #Nomoredestructionupdateonmapsaccordingtoonroadmaps