New Idea for premiums vehicles

Hello there, this will be fast.
Remove all premiums from sale.
add them to tech tree.
make premium a more expensive talisman that will give not only RP but SL.
problem with top tier teams full of premiums players that don’t know what they are doing “kinda solved”.
It would not only make it more expensive to people to Mony rush top tier and also give the opportunity to make a move diverse lines.

just wait until you realize companies need to make money to operate and stay alive. Or lose funny snail game. Also, its VERY ironic that you buy a bunch of premiums and say this.

and that must be the reason that why some of PT vehicle is better that their normal version, right?

Gaijin: copy and paste

OOOHHH YEAH , sorry i dint knew that servers aint free and all that bs about needing money…
Just wait until you realize that i would have a 10 crew premium stack if i could upgrade any vehicle that i like to play…
The only reason that i dont have a full premiums soviet 11,3 line up is that i dont like soviet mbt’s.

You’re right they should add “gold ammo” that does 50% more damage and costs 20k SL normally or 100 GE… wait I think I’ve seen this before.