New gamemode: CASrb

ok I’ve got this awesome idea
so get this:
gaijin makes a new realistic gamemode called CASrb
in this mode you spawn planes and helicopters and you have to destroy as many defenseless tanks as possible until the tickets go to 0
you first spawn with unguided weapons but as you get more sp you can spawn with guided weapons
this’ll make the game have so many more players!! is gaijin afraid of making money?



yeah I stole this here off the Forum, but it’s classic and fits this post perfectly
(and yeah, I got your “sarcasm”)


fr tho its so annoying trying to get that extra 100 sp so you can spawn with 8 agms instead of 4 😤

isn’t grb already this ?


Cool. Use SPAA or use a plane. I already know, you likely don’t lead your shots and go by the dumb logic of ->Crosshair on target=“bullet should go straight” rather not.

how is that going to take care of the 4 cas?

I stopped playing Ground RB shortly after the respawn point system was implemented. It never has worked very well, it’s arbitrary and skewed. Players scream their fingers off about CAS, when it’s not the planes themselves but how they are implemented and the respawn point system is largely to blame for that. GRB players do not play the objectives anymore, it’s all about respawn points and/or getting a nuke. They have ruined what used to be a great mode to play . . a very long time ago . . . and that’s just my opinion. I just play AB tanks now.
There are still planes in AB, but they have been neutered for the most part(not near as bad as naval, but that’s another story) and are hardly worth flying 90% of the time. And it’s pretty plain to see it was intentional.
You want a better GRB mode? . . do it like naval, 3 spawns in “surface” vehicles, spawn points awarded for ALL actions fairly for planes(no speed capping and “J’ing” out to get in a plane) and some sort of limits on planes in the air at any given time and how many planes a player can spawn in a single match. Something like AB, but not nearly as harsh. And make the rewards for winning a better incentive. Your mode might improve some then . . . seems like

Yeah, what a joke right? I’d say remove the stupid spawn point system, just let people first spawn Pe-8 with 5000kg bomb! tank players need to respect CAS mains as we are here first, don’t make us reminds you who is the VIP of the game aka first class citizen, and who is second class!

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How dare you doubt Sinister couldn’t have done it? please do not disrespect our legend like that. We all know he is one of the best SPAA players around here and is quite well-known for his amazing skillset, humility, and selflessness, he could have created a SPAA guide to help out the community, I’m sure one week after he released his long-anticipated “Sinister SPAA 101” there will be no CAS problem in ground battle anymore, right @ULQ_LOVER? there will be a lot of sekret tricks he would like to share with us


Ground assault…?

New copypasta, though

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It wasn’t the spawn points Lachance. It’s how they screwed over the system. Back then it was different on how it operated compared to now.

Well, if the economic system is fair enough, why not? GRB CAS gave me enough reward and satisfaction (just like COD using Nuke or BF using bombers get plenty kills)

Not going to lie. I love playing AA in ground RB. I can’t wait(Hope) to get my Patriot system. Right now, I spawn my ADATs and laugh at all the planes and helis I shoot down.