New game modes?

As most of us know, the game hasn’t got new game modes in years. The PvP is nice but another game mode would refresh the gameplay.

We already have good vehicle models and those could be used to create new PvE modes. Maybe a group of 6 players attacking an AI convoy or multiple enemy compounds with ground and air vehicles. There could be a game mode for bomber escort or intercepting and for striking ground targets. This woudl be for air vehicles. For naval, there could be a convoy raiding mission or a mission about protecting a port or attacking the pride of fleet of some country. The options are limitless.

There are some single-player campaign missions already, maybe update some of those and release it as PvE with a team of real players fighting AI?

Think about it.


They do work on new world war mode
But i think they should fix arb first

I have an idea of 3v3 with 2-3 rounds or smt like that
Same thing like in battlefront 2 if u know

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But it would be fun

I really want CAS to have any use other than Air sim or making people angry in GRB


The easiest thing to do and faster is re make the PvE game modes and make them actually a mode.
First of…scaling should be better… now 6,7+ is one thing… when clearly it shouldn’t be.
It needs to be not only AB but RB and SB even… so people can try things out .
Also…dedicated dogfight mode, no markers all modes. Any map works with capture point in the mid (or 3 of them for the fun) …all modes…AB/RB/SB.
And keep Random Battles as is.
That would give much time till they build more complex modes WW mode/EC or whatever and it is very easy to build. Like, they already exist…just make them formal and/or improve some things…

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I don’t know that but sounds good!

I think the same. CAS is needing a proper gamemode.

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Exactly. It wouldn’t take too much time to update some modes.