New event system is too hard. Get back the old event system

I’ve counted and realise that with new event system if you want to sell event machine you’ll need to grind almost on 2 times harder then earlier. Earlier to sell an event machine we were completed a 10 steps of 45k points, that means in a total 450k points.
In actual event we have 9 steps of 45k points and 1 of 750k. That’s mean that if you’ve got all steps, you’ll need more 345k to get the upgrade of ticket. As result we’ll need to grind on 39k points more. Totaly we have an 84k points per step and 42k points per day.
Earlier I spend 2 hours per day to get a 25k-30k. Now if I want to sell the event machine, I’ll need to spend 4 hours per day.
Just get back the old system with 10 steps, or making a tickets tradable at the start.


How many pts you normally get while playing GRB?

Gajin doesn’t want people to profit off vehicles, they want you to just buy premium. The only players Gajin deems worthy of selling vehicles are those who have no job.


I prefer this system, because in the rare event there is more than 1 vehicle I want. I dont have to play 24/7 for the duration of the event to get both. Because there is only 1 at a time.

But usually, unless I want the vehicle. I just ignore the event. I get the money potential from selling event vehicles, but nope, not doing that. Unless it sells for £3000+ its not worth my time.

But yeah, they need to improve the points per match or reduced the overall point cost. I cant believe they just nerfed Sim


Though lets not forget those that do have a job and and still have time to put in some gameplay. Also there are those players that are skilled enough to get it quicker than those who are not. It’s an event vehicle, not supposed to be easily obtainable anyways lol

According to this, the top 50% earns 1100 score/match for GRB


So I’m doing well, I score around 1500 to 1800 points per game, and sometimes with a good game I can reach 2200.

The old event system in War Thunder was more complicated. I still wish that the only old event system that would return was the assembly one.

This type of event could be saved for the end of the year, when we’re more available to complete it without issues, but of course, with a bit less difficulty (we don’t want an IS-7 event that’s nearly impossible to complete for a normal person with a social life). But if they brought this assembly-type event back, they could open the door to introducing extremely unique vehicles or older vehicles like the IS-7, OBJ 279, and E-100.

I don’t mind what type of event comes or how much longer it might take me to complete it, but I want to be able to do it without having to play for hours and hours, sometimes starting in the morning and going until late at night without seeing progress (like the IS-7 event).

I understand your frustration, but I can’t support it because the system is now more accessible to other people who previously didn’t have much expectation of grinding through the event. Now, not only can you earn exclusive items during the event stages, but you also gain a bit more value from the vehicle by needing the 750K points. Maybe the vehicles currently in the store wouldn’t be worth as much under the old event system, and they might be priced between $50 and $40, not between $60 and $70, as they are now once the event ends.

I would especially like to see tanks that never made it past the blueprint stage, like the German Löwe, in these assembly events. It wouldn’t be bad for the game and wouldn’t break the game’s realism system. Tanks from any country that never left the blueprint phase are often because there wasn’t enough time during the war to justify manufacturing them, not enough funds due to the war, a lack of materials, or simply because their designated factories were destroyed to the point that it prevented the implementation of a new tank plant to surprise the adversaries.

We can currently see something similar in the conflict between Israel and Iran, where Israel prevents Iran’s nuclear weapons development from advancing, and as a result, this may never move past the development stage due to attacks on research facilities and plants. Do you understand the point I’m trying to make?

Well, that’s all I have to say, and from my point of view, the current system is fine, even if it takes 2 hours or, for some, less than 3 hours because they achieve excellent performance in matches.

I get through event on IS-7 and say one thing: this event was different from the last assembly event with QN506 and there was no bonding to skill, or points in the missions, or the other rewards. You were geting it by just ending the battle with 60% activity. Idk randomly or in 1 battle from 2, but I’ve get all parts just by doing this:

  1. get only 1 fast machine of III rang to battle
  2. Going to the center
  3. making 1-2 shots to kill or geting help, before i’m die
  4. repeat

I was spend same time per day like in events with stages and points. And you know what? This actualy was more fan, then this endless farming of the points that I see now. I’m not saing that we need that kind of events back, I don’t like assembly events with that grinding of parts. I just want at least the old events with 10 stages and tradeble ticket in the end. Earlier we were beat at least 2 from 4 events per year, now I think I’ll getting nothing, because I just can’t spend 4±1 hours per day.

The simplest option is just make events with 1 machine per event like now, but with tradable ticket on the end, It’s all what I want now. I don’t like that event system, but that better then what we have now. Anyway if improve the assembly events it maybe good too.)

Earlier I were played day and night to get more then 2 tradable tickets, now I’m playing day and night to get only one. :D

If be serious, you right that was bad if you want to get 2 vehicles on event, but now if I’m not interested in this vehicle, I mast to grind in 2 times harder or getting nothing. Events now not for everyone who can take the reward, there only for supergrinders or people who want event vehicle. What can I do with that ticets if I don’t want to play on this nation?

The simplest option is just make events with stages on 1 machine per event like now, but with tradable ticket on the end. This any way will be better then now. That is what I mean.

I miss the old workshop events where you had to assemble something. It was colourful and interesting, now is just boring accountant grind.

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That’s time limited.

I really hate that if you miss 1 2 day cycle, you’re screwed completely.

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Well, that’s all I have to say, and from my point of view, the current system is fine, even if it takes 2 hours or, for some, less than 3 hours because they achieve excellent performance in matches.

It works like that only if you want to get the vehicle, but if you don’t, you mast grind x2 harder or get nothing. I think that isn’t fair to people who don’t collect all machines and don’t play for the same nation that the event machine.

Actualy yes, but grind of parts is killing… Maybe if Gaijin make the simplifier version of this events, that will be great!

Oh, man, same thoughts! If gaijins add 1 or 2 optional stages, that may be solve this problem.

The old system where you spent double the time to get stuff done.

No. Crafting Events are terrible.

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I don’t get you clearly, but if talking about the index of points, then withot them it maybe better, becouse now if you are playing on III rank vahicle you’ll get less points. It’s better only if you get stages on VI-VIII rangs vehicles. It would be wiser for gaijin not to cut the received points, but to increase them more depending on the rank.

I wrote only about events with stages, not about workshop events.

You get more money by begging for coins one afternoon in a square in your city.

It is not mandatory to sell it and it is (relatively) easy to get it.

I like the system