New Chinese Stealth Aircraft

It wouldn’t surprise me. also would explain if large amounts of money gets diverted from the Ukraine effort


With how quickly top tier is advancing it’s actually not all that far off.

If anything it suggests their engine development is too far behind. Needing an entirely separate engine for highspeed performance is not something that looks appealing to me, especially when it’s a problem the A-12/SR-71 solved in the 60s. more weight, more space, more drag and increased RCS to make up for engine shortcomings.


Wart in 2040


Well, that could just be changing US foreign policy for reasons we aren’t supposed to talk about here lol

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Has this image been posted yet?
It’s much, much larger than the J-20. Almost doesn’t seem like a fighter.

In contrast, Shenyang’s proposal seems to be much more air-to-air focused.


It supposedly even has foldable vertical stabilizers to switch between low RCS cruising state and maneuvering state.


Hmmm… Almost reminds me of a pulse-detonation engine for some reason.
(This is supposedly left by Shenyang’s 6th gen)
Also a decently tight turning radius.

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Is this a real image? I haven’t seen anything about it using pulse-detonation engines.

Also another photo of the Chengdu plane:

It’s a real photo, and there is no confirmation of the engine type.
I just think that it somewhat looks like the rings left by a pulse-detonation engine.

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There’s two massive main bays, and two smaller ones on the side.
I think it could be a JH series aircraft, like JH-7A which can do both air-to-air and air-to-ground duties.
It’s definitely a different approach.

Also note the two cheek radars and what seem to be sensors in front of them.
There are control surfaces under the engine, almost looks like TVC of some sort. But I could be wrong.


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Those are just going to israel


I heard that XAC is working on something along the lines of the B-2? Could just be a rumour or misinterpretation though as they did just come out with that new AWACS type aircraft.

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Could also just be for testing the capabilities and feasibility of one single engine with a singular dorsal intake. In a look up scenario that would surely minimise RCS which is what we are assuming all future aircraft will be doing: Cruising around at super high altitudes in supercruise and lobbing missiles.

H-20. Be known for years, but never have anything could be seen.


Good catch. I completely missed the smaller bays. It looks a lot like a strike aircraft; the large weapon bay would be a waste for a pure fighter. I think the three-engine approach is a good idea since it allows for more flexibility in crusing and power generation.

I personally do not think those flaps are TVC since the engines are buried into the upper fuselage of the plane. There are no other rudders on the top side. It would be weird to have TVC on only one side of the outlets.

Now please US, release funni pictures of NGAD. Apparently three(?) prototypes have flown

I believe you are referring to the H-20. Considering how slowly it’s moving, these “sixth-generation” planes might enter service before it is even revealed lol.

I also heard XAC made their own competition for the Chinese fighter program, but I may be mistaken

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I heard this, I had assumed it was related to this B-2 type project, I didn’t realise this programme was exclusively for fighters.

It does interest me how Chinese aircraft companies tend to each have a niche, Xi’an makes bombers and stike aircraft, Shenyang make heavy fighters and particularly naval fighters, and then Chengdu make light/medium fighters and strike aircraft.

I find East Asian aerospace development very interesting overall.

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j35 would like a word with you.

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