New Chinese Stealth Aircraft


only 4 AAM?

Made by China=Cardboard
Made by US, Europe=Best jet in the world.
Funny logic


Irrc those are pretty long range.

There is more to the jet we have yet to see though.

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Dear fellow - read what I wrote.

‘For all we know it could be made of cardboard.’

That’s the whole point. We don’t know squat about it. It might be made of some super-duper RAM that makes it invisible to sensors. It might be made from conventional metal. All we do know is that it obviously flies, and that they purposefully flew it in public for all to see in a not-so-subtle ‘look at this!’ moment.

I would question anyone who asserts anything other than those basic facts.

Sixth Gen? We don’t know, do the Chinese even subscribe to our Western Generations of groupings (which basically are often so fuzzy they are nigh-pointless).

How many engines and what type? Dunno. It has three tailpipes but that is no surety.

Stealthy? It ‘looks’ stealthy but again, we don’t know.

Supersonic? Making a faceted body supersonic is awkward but not impossible. We don…you get the idea.

I’m personally dubious of each and every thing marketed as a ‘gamechanger’. That applies every bit to a Western aircraft as a non-Western one. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

I could point to Tempest and Dragonfire as being superweapons that will change the face of air-to-air warfare - but again, I don’t know the first bloody thing about them so any assertions are pointless.


I don’t want to get too political, but how exactly is it that these companies all compete against each other if they’re all subsidiaries of AVIC? Although the Chinese economy has free-market elements, it is still tightly regulated by a one-party state. I’m curious how motivated a subsidiary like Chengdu or Shenyang is to win if they’re under AVIC anyways. Thanks!

Extremely beautiful plane, I must say. It’s really evocative of Ace Combat.

I’ve heard people saying that these control surfaces use morphing technology instead of just hinges, but I find that hard to believe when we can visibly see the housings for the actuators. But maybe just part of the flaps are flexible?? IDK tbh

That image is just a fan-creation. We have no idea of the loadout.

Tacit Blue used wing-warping. I recall reading it was more trouble to the design than it was worth…

It would probably make sense if they stuck to conventional flight surfaces for something that size.

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oh ok

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It’s possible. However, materials science has come far in the past 40 years. Nonetheless, I would be very surprised if the Chinese managed to perfect such technology, whilst also ensuring the integrity of the stealth coating. It’s also just a demonstrator, so I can’t speculate too much tbh

That being said, there have been a few different contenders for NGAD that have already flown, and an USAF spokesman said it has incredible technologies. So maybe such a thing like wing morphing is already posssible

PL17 x4😘👍

Could be that the image is blurry, but it looks like they put some sort of spandex skin on top of the aileron hinges. I can’t see any gaps from the wing body to the ailerons themselves. Reminds me of the GINA bmw concept car, it had a special fabric on top so doors, hood, etc., wouldn’t have gaps in them.

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Anyone have any better photos of the SAC plane :(

Looks like PL17s, they are IRL huge, as far as I can say:

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I don’t think that image is a real image, regarding J-36.
I have to say, I personally think the Shenyang design is cooler…

It is photoshopped, yes.

It’s a good design, aesthetically though I would like to see them go for a divertless intake and blend the wing and weapons bay together. Looks too ‘geometric’ like the J-20 for me to like.

I think that it doesn’t use DSI intake because it will cruise at higher speed than Mach 2, DSI intakes have a lower mach ceiling.


Doesn’t the back intake have a DSI though?

True, but I don’t see why they need to use DSI intake for the third engine and have engine one and two have caret style.

It almost makes me wonder if the third engine is a different engine from the other two.