New BR system

Hi any chance for new BR mode? Maybe only tiers vs tiers example tier 1tank vs only tier 1 tanks etc etc…and leaderboard for all tiers/ranked system for season end reward?

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Brs are for mm. Ranks are for researching.

Having ranks for mm would be rather unbalanced.


If players have ranked score or pvp score ? Games 99% can take ranked system with pvp or any rating score so classification not hard i think

Would you like to fight tiger 1 in your sherman 75 or m24?

Gaijin have lot of smart developers. I didn’t specifically write just one direction. Gaijin can solve anything:)

just shoot the cupola bro

OH yeah but they still cant fix BR issues.

Because to them they aren’t issues

Why are there always people suggesting rank based matchmaking from time to time?
Wot Players maybe?

We have br:s that System is far from perfect
But Ranks have a single purpose: to prevent grinding to the top too quickly
We could remove those ranks all together without major Changes(atlest in air rb for all other modes forcing people to have lineups by restricting the advancement isn’t all bad)

With a rank based system
Vehicle’s at the Bottom of the rank would always be bad and vehicles at top would almost always be good
If we just made or current br system into 14 ranks
.0 .3 would always follow the .7 vehicles
So instead of the tiger 2P getting uptired too 7.3 from 6.3 it would always Meet 7.7 in a uptier

What I would want instead is more br maybe
5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0
So vehicles that are just marginally different can get moved without major meta changes
Stuff like the American f104 which are too weak for 9.7 but way to strong for 9.3 in particular in down tiers
Whit some exceptions it’s not a fight is a massacre

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Horrible idea, I don’t want to fight Tornado F.3/ADVs while in a Q-5L.

Yep, this would be massively positive, and is long overdue.

So decompression…

And more complicated decompression too.

The current BR system doesn’t need changes, we just need more BRs.

Not decompression, simply more nuance within the current system. Like the various Sherman variants which are very close in performance, yet some are simply “better”. The better one(s) are stuck either being at the same BR and making the other(s) obsolete, or being a whole 0.3 higher and outclassed.

Instead, they could just go up 0.1 or 0.2. It’s not decompression and thus has no effect on matchmaking times/etc, and it’s infinitely more intuitive too. It’s a straight upgrade with no downsides.

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What your asking for is the same as expanding the current systems to like 50.0br then changing the mm to be +/-3.0br

That feels like sacrilege. We need more decompression, everything needs to be brought up in BR at least 3 places (as in moving up +1 3 times, not +0.3 3 times)


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Gaijins answer to that has always been match making waiting times

Air rb needs decompression
Imo Ground rb is decompressed enough

Until realising the su27sm f15e/c Eurofighter Rafal are 12.7 in Ground rb