New br system basing on the weapon/ammunition selected

We all know there are lots of vehicles with ammunition that are too strong on their BR.
Such as su25k, lots of planes at the same time don’t even have any countermeasures.
Why can’t we change the BR system which gives su25k a base BR at 9.3, when you choose the r60m upgrade, it goes to 10.3 or 10.7.
We could give players more choices that they choose better ammunition to face stronger enemies or just use the basic weapon to fight with those planes they should fight with ( has familiar performance)

While for the ground battle, we also have some vehicles using much more powerful weapons or ammunition than those at the same BR.
Like 2S38, it should go to 11.3 if you want to bring the APDSFS, or just use APHE to stay at 10.0.

I do think this could be a solution that could solve lots of problems on balance or restore the truth of history.


Yep, variable BRs based on ordnance is one of the game’s most-needed balance and quality of life improvements.

Equipping (or unequipping) the weapon modules would change its BR, allowing a given vehicle to be used at multiple different BRs and thus different lineups, improving the stock grind, and wouldn’t meaningfully affect ability to balance as it’s effectively just “more vehicles” to feed into the balance algorithm.


BRs should change in general based on unlocked modifications, not just ammunition. But I agree wholeheartedly with your logic. An example:

An M41A1 with just solid shot is barely 5.0 material, and with no engine upgrades, I wouldn’t put that wheezing anemic tin can over 4.3. But with APDS and all engine upgrades, it becomes 6.0+ in capability.


That would get abused a lot

Obj. 292 players demounting every upgrade and only using HE so they can be 8.7 (It still one shots everything)


This system is necessary

for example:
which has:

A F4E with only AIM-9B and iron bomb would not higher than 10.3 in GRB.But A F4E with pave tack pod and 4 AGM-65D and 2 AIM-9M is definitely a CAS in 12.0. Gaijin won’t build dozen planes to cover all loadout options.

BR system based on loadout is the best option for planes like F-4E which has lots options of weapons


It certainly could lead to some very hilarious situations, and not every module has to result in a BR change. As I don’t own the tank, I have no idea how good it performs, as the BR range is far too grindy to maintain my interest for very long.

Fixed it for you.
The idea however, is eh.
Variable BRs is a bad idea and would ruin War Thunder.
It’d completely imbalance the game and force the playerbase to leave to better pastures like World of Tanks.

How would it? It could make balance better, since vehicles would be better balanced for their Brs. It would need to have limits on what affects the BR and what doesn’t.

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It would triple the labor hours needed to balance vehicles.
It’d halt all decompression.
It’d forbid changing loadouts in-match.

There’s zero reason to have it.
It’d make the game more expensive to run far more than the 0.7 matchmaker idea.

A game should be reducing man hours of development not increasing them.

Changing a whole game to sort out a few issues at top tier? Time this game got cut in two.Top tier as a separate entity.Should have it’s own game and forum.

It truly is impressive how many bizarre takes one person can have…


Putting aside the random and arbitrary “triple” value, it would not. The majority of balance in this sense is automated based on performance stats, and thus it would have a minimal increase on actual human time required (entirely offset by its benefits anyway).


…this isn’t even a coherent thought.


It wouldn’t forbid anything that isn’t already forbidden, meaning using stuff that’s higher BR than you currently are. If you want access to all your weapons you equip them all and play at your max BR, exactly the same as now. If you unequip something and are now at a lower BR, yeah, you can’t use that weapon anymore. That’s no different than if it were a separate vehicle which lacks that weapon as an option (but instead better for the user experience, grind, less work for the devs, etc).


Your inability to read the half a dozen posts right above yours explaining its many multiple benefits does not make them go away.

Ima gonna bring this here:

It’s literally a T-80 without ERA and has the best penetrating kinetic round in the game, and also the fastest kinetic round in the game.

I am aware roughly what it is in regards to the dart, HE-memeology, and such. But everything I have heard says “funny, but not that great since its reload is longer than nearly all its competition sans the XYZ-70s.”

Yes, it’s like an M10 Wolverine or PTZ87.

The people who say it’s bad are more than likely the people who need a 4-5s reload to make a tank useable. By literally just not holding W, the 292 is scary good

Well, maybe I’ll bother with it in a few years, who knows? That BR range is far too grindy to be worth my time, and was even when I had premium time. Plus the gameplay being built for Panzer IVs, Shermans, T-34s, and KV-1s not exactly translating to modern tech. Plus the unsolved long-term ills about CAS and continued resistance to reform by TO players existing.

Well… you can’t unless you for over money. 292 was an event vehicle.

Also another reason why I’ll always oppose this suggestion:
DCS allows mission makers to restrict loadouts.
And Enlisted allows rewards in custom matches.

Both of these are vastly superior suggestions that don’t exist in the BR system.
War Thunder could have cold war rooms built by players.

Not sure why this was false-flagged.