It’s not mid, it has one of the best power to weight ratios all the way to 4500, then it’s just good up to 5000.
It outdogfights almost everything just by pressing S at these altitudes and the guns are monstrous.
I’m climbing. I climb to 5500m, I arrive higher than most enemies, then work them down.
If I-225 happens to be co-alt, I can force him to flee. Not perfect. But still OK for my team who are not getting attacked from above.
I225 suffers a lot more from compression, because it lives by having more speed and energy. If you can’t attack at high speed, if you get reversed, you may be in big trouble. And to avoid getting reversed, you may slow down…
…which is not a good idea when you have to carry your team (which happens damn often).
J2M2 is not fast, but good turner, super good climber with great guns can’t be fast without its BR skyrocketing, simple as that.
Bf 109 G6 has like what, 1816HP? And weights 2730 empty.
J2M2 weights 2475 and has around 1650-1660 HP.
The power to weight advantage is so big it’s barely existent.
vs 0,665 for BF 109.
J2M2 has bigger fuel load, so there’s that, I guess with fuel there’s a difference in favor of G6…
…which is hilariously small anyway.
And Bf 109 has to take more fuel because it retains its full engine power for a long time and it guzzles fuel like crazy with WEP.
J2M2 will last entirety of the game with 20m fuel if you don’t stick to low alt all the time.
G6 will have problems if it ever reaches 15m mark.
It’s not that big of an issue, but I always try to carry enough fuel so I can stay in the air late game.
Meanwhile J2M2 is way more maneuvrable and better armed and on summer maps - even faster in some cases, unless Bf 109 G6 decides to cook itself, cause G6 is slow as hell with 60% rads. Also radiators can and will make G6 generally have a ton of additional drag, which affects everything it does - including climb.
Oh and G6 has dogpoop low speed thrust due to propeller efficiency falling like hell below like 180 IAS. Yes, can be circumvented by prop pitch manipulation, but 99,9% of players can’t do that mid-fight.
Regarding D9:
I am the guy with high score in D9 in Air RB among WT community. It’s not great, but works for me. And yeah D9, P-47, P-51 can play AROUND J2M2.
But it’s kind of funny when J2M2 kills your team and then proceeds to dodge your guns repeatedly, although it’s way easier to do vs D9 than US planes, and then his teammates arrive.
It doesn’t always work, however. Some times Japanese mains will purposely taunt you, fake head-on you, etc. If you also get good with stealth belts. They always find out too late.
I done this a lot with zeros. Bait them to a turn fight and works only with braindead players who get very desperate for a kill or suddenly forget they fighting a zero and automatically without thinking decide to turn fight it.
You’d be surprised how many times I’ve done it to piss them off. The moment they get angry is the same moment they lose. However, I would do it in all aircraft even the J7W. It seriously needs a buff since it’s currently still not historically accurate to its irl counterpart.
Looking at the other graphs from the same source, it seems like an indicator as to how much you need to climb/dive to maintain the indicated speed and turn rate. So at 0 turn rate it should be straight line speed with a climb/dive. But I can’t maintain the climb rate in the fw190 example, so those graphs are probably purely from calculation, and they seem to be missing something in them, as opposed to reality (of the game). The graphs could still probably give a good comparison between plane behaviours, but we can’t assume to pull the same exact numbers in-game.
From my understanding at least.
Just don’t turn with japanese props. If your attack fails just keep flying, they won’t get you. Then set yourself up for a new attack run. When you start the turning competition you’re dead.
Just follow the iron rule: Do not turnfight vs Jp.
Straight winged planes have the COP shift forwards on the aerofoil, making them less stable (closer to relaxed stability). An aircraft with proportionately bigger wings (A6M) will experience this effect more strongly. In real life, they reduced input at higher speeds to compensate.
It’s probably why the Zero gains back (relative) SEP near the extreme top end of chart, as she gets closer and closer to relaxed stability.
An artifact of extreme simplifications.
The way it’s useful is; if (for a given fighter) the prop often tries to hit the ground when you brake; the reserve stability is low so it maintains turns very well.
Technically the trend reverses if they go over m0.85 but a Gaijin prop isn’t about to hit transonic unless it’s a P-39.
Kinda technical.
Gaijin’s fake CLmax is very important, since it basically determines how “stable” the plane ends up being.
A plane like G.55, “woe is me” had a fictional CLmax of (god forbid) ~1.5, making it the ultimate UFO in all of WT history. Well of course it was Axis so it was never fixed.
Most gaijinfighters have 1.3, on a good day. 190’s won’t turn since they have fictional CLmax ~1.2.
109E bleeds hard because the CLmax is ~1.23 but the elevator pull is harder.
A less stable plane needs to induce less drag to complete an amount of turn. So G.55 for example, was a definite UFO; itr, str, climb, stall, you name it.
Gaijin’s BR system reflects the fact the average FM is held together with scotch tape.
I’ve noticed that Japanese planes really suck like you can be prayed on by a bf-109 and a p-400 witch Is so annoying so I think they should be slightly buffed
They should be. Japanese planes historically- and in game- have a fair few weaknesses that all opponents, once they realized, exploited relentlessly. J2M, Ki-84, N1K, less so- but especially the early war ones.
Japan is only “OP” because players give up their own advantages and try and turn fight us.
Yes Mr. P-47 Thunderbolt I would like to loopidy loop with you. Oh I’m OP now with my two 12.7’s to your eight, my paper plane to your metal monstrosity?