Nerf F-14 or bump their BR

Yeah… When will Gaijin learn. They are either DOA/pointless aircraft like the Jaguar IS or annoying spam aircraft like the F-14.

Very rarely do they add reasonable event vehicles


The TOG and obj 292 were good events so they can still do it. their air events seem to really stink, an Indian jaguar is probably the most miserable event vehicle ever done IMO, I’m glad I didn’t waste my time on it and I hate using meta things in video games so the F14 was a no-go as soon as it was announced for me. It would be cool to see something absurd like the TOG for an air event

Id actually put the 292 into the very annoying pile. I hate fighting those things.

but yeah, they can do it rarely. Mirage 2k was the last reasonable event aircraft I can think of

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I think it should be at 11.0 because its APFSDS is god tier. and it did destroy 10.0 for months. now its fine as only a few pop up

You know what would be pretty close to the TOG in absurdity…

Don’t look if you are Smin


It has AIM-9Ps which are at least as capable as Hs, I’d say better.
It can also carry 6 SARH
Fakours are far superior to Phoenixes. Sure, their max overload is slightly lower, but 54s can’t really pull 17g anyways under most conditions due to their low acceleration. The Fakour has 4x the acceleration of the AIM-54A and the highest dV of any AAM (except maybe after the Sedjil, they’re very close). Like check out any of the videos in this thread and you can see the massive difference, where a “simple maneuver” simply doesn’t work within around 30km.

Really the skill issue is almost always on the F-14’s part. Too many people launch their Phoenixes at 60+km, where of course they can be evaded. A Phoenix launched within a reasonable range of 25-30km max is just as deadly as any SARH missile. But at a range where nothing else can compete, with FnF, and only in a single tech tree.

god damn that looks like a J10 that can actually fly


Mini eurofighter lol

Seriously Smin you might go blind

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Huh why? 9Hs are longer range, and can pull right off the rail faster. The only thing the 9J is better at is max G load and initial acceleration.

I never said the F90s were inferior to the Phoenix. I said it was really good at long range but that its simple to evade (referring to close range performance). Its still easier to dodge than a Phoenix at close range just because it doesn’t have the Phoenix’s AoA paired with the massive acceleration and you get a massive turning circle.

Does smin not like British aircraft?
Ive played a match where Smin was on my team. I think he was in a mig29 I cant remember as he was one of the first out, top tier sucks but at least I got to say hi to him in chat

The EAP never fired any weapons and Brit mains have been begging him for years for it. It’s more of a meme and trolling him at this point lol

Cool that you got the meet him though!


Smin seems cool, im surprised to have seen any of the mods in game.

man it would be so funny if the EAP got added as a top tier premium and its just unarmed. no radar, no gun, no AAMs, absolutely nothing. Troll the wallet warrior noobs while shutting up annoying “I want this vehicle” types who don’t know a thing about the vehicle they claim to want


I mean it isn’t useless I’ll give you that but you can’t take it as gospel.

For instance, my MiG-21PFM has a Winrate of about… 41/42%. Does that mean it is a bad aircraft? Hell no. What could it mean? Perhaps I’m just very bad with it (I don’t like the gun for instance, I don’t generally lead it enough). Perhaps it’s because I played it on release when it was 10.0, and now it’s 9.3. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact I usually ended up in 5v1s because when I played it, I played it on release. When everyone playing it was a whole lot of prop players who don’t know how jets are played.

Or maybe it could be just that I have a vehicle with 10 games in and the Win Rate is scuffed.

In the same way you claim K/D is useless, K/D is not useless. However, you have to think about why that is. For instance, I had a 9/1 K/D on the Spitfire Mark 14? Does that sound absurd? If you think not, why?
It could be that I airfield camp and J out if I don’t think its winnable. It could also be that I got incredibly lucky on my first game, and bagged 9 kills.

K/D and WR are two sides of the same coin. They both can be used to infer stuff, and aren’t completely useless, but they aren’t a good foolproof indicator to be used no matter what.

We were asking for it to be our 12.0 equivalent last year. Something to counter the F-16 and Mig-29. It had radar, RWR, CMs and I think even the gun. Just never actually fired any weapons, but that is a small problem if they can make up an entire aircraft to give Japan for example

Lol give it a pod for sighting enemy aircraft and it can be AWACS

I don’t want AIM-9L or AIM-9M for any F-14s. People need to stop making these suggestions.
I can play the same game. Give the Mig-29 R-73 and move it to 13.0. Give the Mig-23MLD R-73 as well and move it to 12.3.

It didn’t have them but had ‘provisions for’ them in my argument which in my view was on the same lines as Yak-141, but we got gripen so it’s no longer a concern, though if the Russians get Su-47 and Mig 1.44, I will be asking for it again.


To be fair if Ivan starts getting that point EAP goes out the window. We could look at EFT in my opinion. But, I digress

I have a 46% winrate in the centurion mk2 even though its the strongest tank I have.

My winrate in the harrier GR7 is truly dire so it can bo so so so much worse, but that’s from BR compression and not having the best weapons it actually had access to in service. Its still a really great plane and enjoyable to fly.

Bask in the disaster that is my winrate and K/D in the GR7. I hope you don’t feel so bad about winrates ever again

Probably 12.7 assuming it can carry 4 x R-73s.