Nerf F-14 or bump their BR

Its just too opressive. I can’t play my 11.3 or 11.7 jets anymore. The change for multipathing made F-14’s at 12.3 just too opressive. Get them to a higher BR or remove these long range radar missiles. Its spammed so hard and the sky is so overcrowded with incoming Phoenixes…its impossible to play.

(Or give us back our safe zone above the ground. The change of multipathing was a mistake imho).


Nah. It’s cool. You can still use the terrain and then there is no more AIM-54’s to deal with.
It is just this event and then there will not be so much F-14’s


Multipathing was a good change. It finally made radar missiles skillful to defeat instead of this magical safe zone 100m above ground which everyone could abuse. Theres still a safe zone just 60m above ground which is harder to maintain especially on uneven terrain.

Respectfully skill issue.


the problem is current spam and Event F-14 that should be 12.7

Maybe? It doesn’t get 9H/Gs, can only carry 2 SAHRs, and the F90s are only good long range which are still good but not worth losing 4 other SAHRs.

We’ll in see in a month or so after things settle down. At the moment, people are already learning how to easily defeat the F90s; by doing a simple maneuver. They just don’t pull hard and have less AoA and max G load than the Phoenixes.


F-14A is already nerfed.
AIM-54A is the worst ARH in the game; an AIM-7D with an internal radar.
Rear-aspect only IR missiles.
And the best missile it has is AIM-7F which is actually the threat people aren’t using.
Meh engines that have it perform “as well” as Mig-23MLD.

ALL 12.7s in War Thunder are superior to the F-14A.


I hate the F14 as much as anyone, but the problem is america has vastly superior planes to the f14 just 0.3 BR higher, so moving them up will kill them.

The problem is the BR system in general is always going to have these edges/lines where planes get a big jump in capability such as the introduction of GOOD fox 1 radar missles around 11.7-12.0, and planes that only get IR missles dealing with that. The next step is fox 3/real BVR and every plane unfortunate to get uptiered into f14 w ithout the ability to BVR feels the suck.

But in the same regard the F14 gets absolutely bullied by real fox 3 missles when it gets uptiered.

The only way to fix it is to have brackets that enforce planes with similar capabilities see planes with like. The problem with that is there is no soviet or otherwise equivalent in the game to fight the f14 with early fox3 missiles. F14 is the exact same problem as the pantsir in that only 1 country gets a massive range advantage at a particular BR.

There’s like 3-4 posts whining about the F-14 already. Need a rule against these polluting the forum.
I keep seeing you complaining about it, I checked your stats and you basically never break 50% wr at top tier across the board (so both rank VII/VIII, even planes that never see the F14). Seems to be a massive skill issue going on.

I don’t understand this obsession with the Tomcat when there’s the harrier at 13.0 launching amraam at Phantoms and such with impunity.


One of these threads again…

Well OK, might as well repeat my stance on this issue

F-14A should receive AIM-9L, BR increased to 12.7

F-14B should receive AIM-9M, BR increased to 13.0

Alternatively, if AIM-54 Phoenix is also buffed to it’s historical performance, then F-14A goes to 13.0, and F-14B goes to 13.3

This is coming from an avid Tomcat enjoyer. I want the F-14s to be the best (and most faithful) aircraft it can be, but it also sucks to see it ruin the game for so many people.

I believe increasing the G-overload and refining the flight profile of AIM-54, as well as giving better IR missiles will allow the F-14 to sit at a higher BR and still play at a competetive level.


This is like the 4th F-14 thread that I know of lol

i mean 9P’s are pretty good currently, and Fakour-90 will found some kills considering how unaware is the community in overall.

F-14’s are to be played differently though - Air Superiority and not dogfights (despite some films bruh).

I don’t like it for top tier It made IR missiles useless and those fire and forget missiles are the true skill issue. I got both top tier and the new F14 and its not funny to play both, boring and “skill” this is more about luck. For a 1v1 this is a good change but 16v16 with a mechanic which gives you 12v12 every 10th match. No thanks! I get more often smaller matches with playing 6.7.

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Probably because it’s a contentious issue

They are a whole lot faster than Phoenixes. I suspect players could/would be taken by surprise, as I assume there’s no way to tell F-14s apart on an RWR.

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  1. Win Rate is useless. K/D is more important
    2.The harrierisn’t as popular as the F14 which makes hell of a big differents

The “balance” system will say now. Too many skill issue players play this damn vehicel so we won’t see any changes on it.

Winrate is absolutely not useless. Only bad players say that.
K/D is useless. Anyone can have a 10 k/d, especially at top tier if you just launch missiles at BVR, RTB and J out. Also, AI planes count as air kills so you can just farm bots and get crazy K/d this way.

Winrates determine your ability to influence a match. Some BR brackets like those saturated with premium vehicles will affect your ability to carry of course but you should still have a more positive effect on your team than an average or bad player.

How are the aim-9P “pretty good”, that’s like an 11.0/11.3 missile. They have no range compared to the aim-9G/H. R-27R are better than the Aim-7E but worse than the aim-7F the regular F-14 has and you have only 2 of those. Sedjil are not even worth mentioning. The IRIAF is just a worse plane than the US F-14A at close to medium range. Fakour are its only advantage and are limited to 4. It doesn’t need to go to 12.7. If you can dodge the phoenix, you can dodge the fakour and vice-versa.


Okay if you want it like that. The whole stats are useless so why you looking at them.
The fakour 90’s burns way longer and are not limmited to mach 4 they can be faster I heard of 4.3-4.7 but only on higer altitudes and thats from where most F14 players spam there missiles at you. I don’t think the F14 is that big of an propülem its just the ammount of players playing it and the unawearness of your teamates.

Kills/Battle is the most important.

Stats are useless. That all I have to say to this topic

Okay if you want it like that. The whole stats are useless so why you looking at them.

??? I said k/d is useless, not winrate.
When using the IRIAF, I climb, launch my Fakours, crank while maintaining the datalink so i can

  1. Present myself as a worse target vs my teammates flying in straight line toward the enemy team
  2. Be ready to notch when I hear the solid tone.

I rarely get hit by fakour and I’m very vulnerable when climbing. It’s really not that hard. Currently have 58% wr with it and a 1.95 k/d. And that’s after I kept trying to make the sedjil work but they are hot garbage, they get me killed more than anything. Now back with the R-27R and I will break 60% wr easily.

Lot of noobs flying the IRIAF F-14A so anyone can get a decent/high winrate right now.