Neglected US Helicopter Updates

The Israeli Apache shouldn’t even have AIM-92, remove that and it can stay at a lower BR. Same with MH-60L, the Israeli one shouldn’t have AIM-92.

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Sorry to say, but nobody cares for 38% console players strugglers

Have no clue what you are talking about but sure.

US being neglected? i dont think so, US + Rusia are the most OP nations in terms of helicopters

I don’t even struggle flying helicopters on console

Think he was talking to me from another post about my GRB stats. He tries stat shaming yet forgets to mention a few relative important items. He’s nobody I wouldn’t worry about him.

Helicopters shouldn’t be buffed until they fix aa’s and planes ability to lock them. Adding more op bullshit to the game helps nobody. It’s not a case of “America needs stuff as good as what other nations have gotten” it’s “these things never should have been added in the first place”

I can lock then in an m247 just fine

Ground based radar and irst can lock them just fine. Ir missiles and planes cannot. Your m247 can’t shoot down a top tier heli sitting 5 miles away because the proxy detonates itself well before it gets there. If you radar lock them and fire a missile with something like a tor they get a warning and just dive. The only thing that can hit them is spike ER’s, no other spike variant, and QN502CDD. And with a plane you can use tv guided agms. Nothing else can lock helis at an appropriate range.

roland 1’s dont give a warning unless it sets of the MAW’s , Im pretty sure

Things like the Roland and the lvrbv can be pretty effective against helis, but they have to maintain line of sight and set off laser warning so they’re still useless against a heli with fire and forget missiles that can just dive at the first sign of danger. They also still can’t deal with helis over 5 miles away.

I also agree with your point about weak and unused updates to American helicopters


Go use a Apache with Hellfires before saying that again. And go try and fight a Tigers with Spikes or PARS. We’ll see who gets shot down.

You say this as if American Helicopters don’t have to stay hovering in the air for good 30s just for their missiles to travel 5 Km.

Bruh, it’s another update down. And nothing about new Hellfires. Gaijin really be ignoring US helicopters.

they do IRL so whats your issue (delayed AF but I never got notified about this so)

They use a lot more than just Hellfire K’s. There are the L’s, the R’s, and also the JAGM which would be a massive buff (even if they don’t give it’s FnF or LOAL capabilities

is nomal but not have FNF