Neglected US Helicopter Updates

It’s been several updates where US has been hard stuck with AGM-114Ks, when AGM-114Rs have been approved several updates back. Mean while other nations have been getting SPIKE ERs. Recently AH-64E got approved, which is great; but it doesn’t mean anything when the US Helicopter tech tree has been neglected for years.


what are you talking about the US helicopter tech tree is fine rn, did you forget that we just in the past few updates got 4 new helicopters.
4. AH-6M


I disagree, these helicopter did nothing but pad out the us helicopter tech tree. They brought nothing new to the table. There’s no reason to bring the DAP when the viper can do a much better job. The 58A and 6M do not impact the game as much as other helicopters at 10.0/3. The 1W is at 10.7 where there are no 10.7 tanks meaning that it needs to be brought to 11.0. At 11.0 you have the prototype apache.

The KA52 is still dominate helicopter for however long it’s been introduced. The helicopters that can carry spike are the only ones that can counter it but it comes at the cost of ammo capacity, damage output, and survivability. The only thing that can come close to the KA52 is the isreali black hawk (which is the same br as the DAP) because it can carry 16 spikes.

I wouldn’t say the US is neglected but it in desperate need of better top tier heli. So does Britain, Japan, Sweden.

  1. yes there is tanks at 10.7
  2. there the mh-60 can Cary 8 hellfires and 4 manpads that’s more than the viper can carry most likely
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There are no American tanks at 10.7. There’s nothing stopping you from bringing 10.3 tanks but in a uptier(11.0 to 11.7) it will struggle.

Most likely? Did you even look at the helicopters I mentioned? The only benefits of taking the DAP is the maw, hellfire k variants and surprisingly good maneuverability. The issue is that the K variants is a minor improvement over the B.

The Viper can carry 16 hellfire B, 2 aim9m, maw, cannon, and better optics.

If you are going for purely a load-out. The Apache can carry 16 hellfire and 4 stingers .

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I just wished they would stop releasing new vehicles that aren’t complete. The MH-60L DAP was released without any of it’s gun options. They then added them but with a large problem. They don’t have working gun convergence which basically renders them pretty much useless. You can’t even have the 7.62 door mounted guns firing separate from the other gunpods which makes zero sense. The gunpods fire WAY TOO WIDE as it is now. As it currently stands there is literally zero reasons to bring it out compared to the other two better options. Zero. At least fix the gun convergence which would give it some kind of identity that separates it from the Viper and Apache being a true gun ship.

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The AH-6M is life and is the best helicopter in the American tree. I’m going to have to disagree with just that part of your comment. There isn’t a better first spawn helicopter than the Littlebird. Small, nimble as sin whizzing through trees 3-5m off the ground hitting choke points with hydras. I use the AH-1W with my 11.0 lineup only and use the Viper and Apache for 11.3+. It seems to work perfectly for that lineup if I’m being honest.

Hellfire damage was massively increased recently. Asking for the R variant is asking for LMUR to come with it

Damage was massively increased for the hellfire but it was also increased for other agms. But it doesn’t mean anything if the hellfire can’t hit their targets. The hellfire along with any top down missiles still struggle hitting any moving target. this gets even worse the farther it gets (the target must be completely stationary). Giving the Hellfire R will make it have direct fire capabilities at the cost of range (7km)

Comparing it to the LMUR is absurd when it’s essentially a longer range, deadlier spike.


Gaijin could just implement LO-DIRECT-HI flight path options like the AH-64 has IRL and solve the issue without adding a FnF hellfire.

LMUR is more powerful but slower and larger. It’s a single missile per hardpoint so it’d end up being far less impactful.

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The FnF hellfire is the L variants (some other ones) but the R isn’t one of them. But yes I do agree they should fix the hellfire.

The LMUR should be added as long as there is a NATO counter part and if there’s spaa that can counter them. The us,brits,japanese,italy,isreal doesn’t have a top tier spaa that has a track radar.

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The little bird is exceptional at first spawn rushing however, it doesn’t provide as big of an impact than other helicopters at 10.3. I’m not saying these heli’s are bad it’s just that it doesn’t change or balance the top tier meta. In addition there are helicopters that are just flat out better (KA52, Israeli Apache, Black Hawk).

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on what planet is another 8km range laser guided Hellfire asking for a 14+km IIR+NLOS missile

LMUR for hellfire R lol are you mad?

LMUR for Hellfire L and AH-mk1 Brimstone is more likely

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Got a lot more than Russia did.


Brimstone and Hellfire L will bring the Hermes.

meant to say agm missile count

I’m stating what Gaijin would do.

And yes, hellfire L with 16x per helo is more powerful than 4x LMUR.

You’re talking as if MH-60s can still deal with Ka-50 and Ka-52. 8 Hellfires mean nothing if you just get vikher’d or FnF missiles.

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